Content Access Policy
The Editorial Board adheres to the principle of free access to scientific information, considering that its observance contributes to the widest possible dissemination of scientific knowledge.
Starting from Issue No. 3 of 2023, all journal articles are available in open access under the terms of the adopted Creative Commons License: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
It is allowed to use certain fragments of articles (quoting) provided that reference to the journal, the author (co-authors), the title of the article, issue and the year of publication are indicated. Systematic dissemination of articles is possible only with the written permission of the editorial board.
Authors of the articles have a right to use preprint of the unpublished article placing it on their own website as an electronic file and/or on the author’s employer’s external secure web-site and/or in the archive of preprints (for example,, but solely for non-commercial use (decision of the Editorial board dated 02 October 2018).
Electronic archives of the journal and articles can be ordered on the portal of Scientific Electronic Library e-library.