
№ 3 ' 2012


  • Editorial

    «Zbigniew Brzezinski's Prophesies for the Year 2012»

    Keywords: Brzezinski, international life
    Yassen N. Zassoursky 3
  • Theory of Journalism and Media

    «Creative Commons and the Strategy of Development of Information Society»

    This article presents a new way to estimate the wealth of knowledge and deals with laws on copyright and public domain regime, including the issue of Creative Commons license adoption. What follows is the attempt to apply presented methodo­logy to work out practical steps and strategic guidelines for Information society development in the real context of Russia 2012.
    Keywords: information society, Creative Commons, public domain, knowledge
    Ivan I. Zassoursky 7
  • New Media

    «Socio-Psychological Approach to the Research of Online Social Networks»

    This article deals with current trends in studying online social networks in sociology, psychology and other humanities. It covers the main approaches to setting up typologies of users and network structures. We also individually show psychological aspects of online social networking. Researches, devoted to human and group behavior in the context of the information space of social network, are also presented. We observe different aspects of personal information disclosure and diffusion of information among users.
    Keywords: online social networks, internet communication, users’ behavior
    Mariya M. Danina , Alexandr A. Shalyapin 16
  • «PR 2.0: Brands and Corporation as Producers of Media Content»

    A certain tendency has shaped for the past several years when corporations establish their own digital channels of communication with potential consumers in­stead of paying for promotional campaigns in mass media. Brands use professional journalistic skills to build up media content and hire professional reporters for this purpose. New methods of interaction with the consumers are now accessible for the brands while advanced ICT and the Internet expand on the global scale. Corpora­tions learn to create high quality content and to highlight a broad spectrum of topics to overcome the so called “syndrome of narrow-focused corporate press".
    Keywords: branded communications, social network, content, mediation
    Anastasiya O. Alekseeva (Folts) 34
  • «Variability of Web Media Homepage Design (The Case of the Periodicals’ Web Sites) »

    The article is devoted to the analysis of variability of the web media design which represents a capability of a design layout to change according to the content characteristics based on the example of the homepages of the sites of periodicals. Having derivedfrom print media, variability advances further while being limited by the web technologies progress.
    Keywords: webdesign, online version, variability, periodical, website, template
    Alexandr A. Belyaev 49
  • «Transformation of Audiovisual Content in New Media»

    The author investigates the transformation of audiovisual content on the Web, dramatic changes in the methods of supply, the forms, the content and the methods of consumption. Examines genre variety and trends in the development of audiovisual materials in the Internet, and on the portals of the traditional media in particular.
    Keywords: new media, hybridization, video
    Ludmila A. Kruglova 61
  • «The iPad Press: Strategies and Opportunities»

    This article covers current trends and researches media and publishing companies’ business strategies within new area of mobile tablet devices, where the iPad takes the leading position. It also analyses changes in media industry and tablet devices market trends and structure. We describe practical experience and various strategic approaches to utilize the new opportunities developing tablet- oriented applications for newspapers and magazines. We show different industry researches and the experts’ opinion on business strategy for media companies dealing with new digital platforms.
    Keywords: iPad, strategies, tablet, reader, digital applications, magazines, newspapers, subscribe
    Sakharova N.A. 87
  • «Formulating Strategies: The Case of Three Newspapers on the Net»

    Author investigates different media strategy of newspapers, presented at a variety of digital platforms,and explores the experience of three newspapers to identify the most effective methods of functioning in the Internet. Also author describes the process of digitalization and convergence and their impact on traditional media.
    Keywords: convergence, information and communication strategies, newspaper, Internet
    Artyom A. Galustyan 87
  • «Origins of Multimedia in Traditional Journalistic Genres»

    The author of the article tries to prove that multimedia technologies have deep roots in different phenomena in journalism and culture, despite the obvious newness of these technologies. The article traces the connection between the so-called report writing technique (or descriptive storytelling) and multimedia materials. Both of these phenomena are trying to reproduce the polyphony of reality, i.e. the feature of the objective world to transmit information trough all possible channels of perception by means of different signals. The article states that multimedia materials and stories written using the report style both take into account the multichannel nature of human perception.
    Keywords: multimedia, report, report writing technique, polyphony of reality, multichannel perception
    Diana Yu. Kulchitskaya 94
  • Foreign Journalism

    «Global Structure of International Information»

    There are many information sources in the information space today: starting from web sites up to global television networks, global newspapers and a wide range of international and national newspapers. This huge flow of information is determined by the hierarchy of information centers. The key part in this hierarchy belongs to quality newspapers. They determine main directions of information materials’ content. Usually, these newspapers are a kind of research centers which daily inform of new and forming tendencies of world politics. Basically, global quality newspapers today present world agenda of information exchange, which has crucial influence upon the development of regional, national and local newspapers further on.
    Keywords: quality newspapers, globalization, international information flows, structure of modem states, mass media and state
    Yassen N. Zassoursky 101
  • «Modern US Press»

    The work reveals the characteristic features of the contemporary American press, its structure, typology, the system of regulation and self-regulation of the press, the changes took place due to the development of Internet. The article also shows the today situation in the newspapers market of the USA, changes in the activity of the leading American newspapers.
    Keywords: American press, daily newspaper, typology, self-regulation
    Boris A. Kalyaghin 116
  • Sociology of Journalism

    «Journalists’ Professional Ethics: The Issues for the Codification Paradigm»

    The analysis of new international documents on media self-regulation, ethical problems and dysfunctions of control mechanisms (in particular, the scandal in the UK) leads the author of the paper to the conclusion on media ethics “codification paradigm" crisis. Author proposes to focus journalism education more precisely on conscience formation in addition to learning “voluntary submission” within the frame of codification paradigm, which is getting more and more insufficient. Author suggests that such an educational turn is very important in Russian conditions of values corruption.
    Keywords: media self-regulation, journalism ethics, codification paradigm, conscience, accountability
    Viktor M. Khroul 132
  • History of Journalism

    «Coverage of the 1905 Russian Revolution in Provincial Press (The Case of Tomsk Newspapers)»

    In article exploring methods of rounds of censorship in provincial press in period of the first russian revolution and processes of conquest of word-freedom in Siberia. Analyzing materials of biggest newspapers of Tomsk province “Siberian Life" and “Siberian Bulletin" in 1905. Considering particulars of reflection of phenomenons in public life in Siberian periodics.
    Keywords: Siberian journalism, the first Russian revolution
    Nataliya V. Zhilyakova 151