
№ 1 ' 2024


  • Modern Journalism: Subjects and Issues

    «Gaming content formats in Russian media»

    The aim of this study was to determine which indicators of media company performance are present in journalism practice. For the first time, in-depth interviews were conducted with 12 media industry experts, their experience of using gamification in content strategy was analyzed and summarized. It was determined that the share of editorial games is no more than 10-30%, the rest of the game projects are produced by media companies for advertisers. In the total volume of advertising projects, the share of gamified content ranges from 20% to 75%. The reasons for the use of game content by media companies are identified: the struggle for attention / retention of attention, a high degree of implementation in game content, an increasing recreational need, attraction of new advertising, the formation of an image of a pronounced media / brand, the formation of loyalty. Key efficiency metrics for media companies that improve as a result of gaming projects include: traffic, time spent on the website, scroll reach, number of repeat visits, and the decrease of the bounce rate. Improving these metrics makes the media more attractive to the advertiser. In addition, advertisers are willing to do much more for game projects than for texts.
    Keywords: audience attention, infotainment, engagement, interactivity, emotions, gamification in journalism, digital youth
    DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.1.2024.328
    Elena A. Salikhova 3
  • New Media

    «Content of television entertainment channels in social media (a case study of VK and Telegram)»

    This study aims to describe the content strategies of television in a mediatized environment. The study analyzes the content in the VK and Telegram social media platforms of six entertainment television channels, namely TNT, STS, Muz-TV, Pyatnitsa!, TV-3 and Yu. The sample includes 223 Vkontakte posts and 224 Telegram posts. The chronological framework was limited to the period from April 10 to 16, 2023. The research findings demonstrate the variability of the content published by television channels. The findings also indicate that television channels rarely duplicate broadcast material and prefer to rework it for subsequent publications on social media. Moreover, when TV channels publish content on social media, they take into account the features of the platform they have chosen, which also determines the format and content of the publications. It is important to note that frequently, television channels use short video formats. Broadcast content is not duplicated on social media, while potential viewers are invited to watch the program on television or the channel’s official website.
    Keywords: content strategies, social media, television, content analysis, VK, Telegram
    DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.1.2024.2948
    Kseniia M. Konkina, Polina A. Lapina, Darya M. Khrapova, Polina V. Shtifanova 29
  • Media Language

    «Associative series as a means of expressing aesthetic assessment in music journalism»

    The article presents a study of the interpretation of the meaning of a musical work through associative series in a media text. It analyses media texts published in Russian online media between 2020 and 2023 and containing an assessment of musical creativity. The aesthetics of the language of media texts about music influences the audience’s perception of the material, and the associative series based on various expressive language means becomes a significant tool of expressing aesthetic assessment in music journalism. The main research methods used are discourse analysis and related linguistic analysis, in addition to general scientific methods. The article analyzes publications devoted to various musical trends, such as pop music, rock music, classical music. In the context of digitalization and the constant flow of new artist names and new musical compositions, an important function of a music journalist is to play the role of navigator in the field of the music industry, while staying true to the importance of the aesthetics of the language of media texts about music. Associative series, figurative aesthetic assessments contribute to greater expressiveness of the text, performing an attractive function and conveying to the audience those meanings that are difficult to express concretely when describing musical art.
    Keywords: music journalism, associative series, means of expressing evaluation, aesthetic assessment, media language
    DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.1.2024.4969
    Margarita M. Gruzdeva 49
  • History of Journalism

    «Development of legal regulation of the economic activities of the soviet periodical press under the new economic policy»

    The article analyzes the features of legal regulation of the media economy in the USSR during the 1920s. On the basis of primary sources and archival material, it is argued that legislation in the field of mass media was in constant development during the NEP period, although it was not comprehensive or of high quality. It was formed from 1917 to the end of the 1920s when hundreds of acts were created and regularly amended. This also applied to economic laws. Some of them were formed during War Communism and had an extraordinary nature. During the NEP era, many new acts were adopted that authorized commercial activities in the media. However, some of these acts were replaced at the end of the NEP in accordance with new political conditions. During the 1920s, the media economy was regulated by political will rather than by law.
    Keywords: 1920s, legislation, NEP, press, media
    DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.1.2024.7092
    Maksim I. Babyuk 70
  • «ROSTA: Content Aspects of Radio Heralds (1918)»

    The article discusses an important period of the functioning of the Russian Telegraph Agency in the system of media and propaganda in the first years of Soviet power. In the conditions of the Civil War, the lack of professional journalists among the Bolsheviks, and the lack of experience in information work, it shaped the news and thematic agenda of printed newspapers and magazines. Telegraph radio broadcasters were the main supplier of content for the local press; their texts are important as historical evidence, allowing one to trace the dynamics of events in the country and the world. The purpose of this scientific work was to study the content of the issues to gain insight into the radio newsletter, which became the predecessor of the radio newspaper as the first form of radio journalism. The empirical base of the study consisted of 24 issues of the Moscow radiotelegraph Radio Herald ROSTA (1918). Materials from the mixing sheet from the collections of the State Archives of the Russian Federation have been introduced into scientific circulation. The study identified both quantitative characteristics (quantity of materials, volume in lines, etc.) and qualitative characteristics (genres, themes, key characters, 'geography' of materials, linguistic means of expression). The results of the study confirmed the qualities of the radio broadcaster as a propagandist, agitator and organizer. The dominant genres are short news article, review, analysis article, report, journalistic story, correspondence, commentary, and operation summary. The topics are dominated by the following issues: industry/production, government work, social sphere, army/military conflicts, culture/art, medicine/health, transport/roads, housing, emergencies, education, public events. Regions prevail in the 'geography' of materials. The study proved that Radio Bulletin ROSTA reflected the state’s steps towards the formation of a system of information and propaganda in the first years of Soviet power and was aimed at a mass audience.
    Keywords: Russian Telegraph Agency, information, propaganda, radio herald, topics, genres, audience
    DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.1.2024.93110
    Olga D. Minaeva , Olga V. Tikhonova 93
  • «F. T. Marinetti's visit to Russia and Russian futurism: the view of the Nov Newspaper»

    This study is devoted to F. T. Marinetti's visit to Russia. The events connected with the stay of the Italian futurist in Moscow are considered through the prism of texts published in the daily newspaper Nov from January 23 to February 18, 1914. These are reports from lectures, articles, interviews, notes, letters, photographs and cartoons. If at first Marinetti was perceived as a good alternative to Russian decadents, later he was denied the status of an ideological leader. Futurism as such was heavily criticized. The Nov newspaper not only covered the visit of a foreign guest in detail but also became a platform for polemics between Moscow representatives of the avant-garde (M. Larionov, V. Shershenevich, K. Malevich, V. Mayakovsky, K. Bolshakov, D. Burlyuk). Tactical alliances were formed and destroyed on its pages, principled statements were made. Despite the skeptical attitude towards leftist art, the newspaper somehow contributed to its popularization. At the same time, the criticism of futurism was paradoxically combined with the exploitation of the same methods used by the futurists.
    Keywords: F. T. Marinetti, Nov, futurism, luchism, lecture, manifesto, scandal
    DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.1.2024.111128
    Ruslan A. Poddubtsev 111
  • Materials, Documents, Publications

    «Letters from A. I. Koshelev to Priest M. F. Rayevsky (1856–1860): The Slavic Theme in the Russkaya Beseda Journal»

    For the first time, this article introduces and comments on 12 letters of the publisher and editor of the Slavophile journal Russkaya Beseda A.I. Koshelev to Priest M. F. Raevsky, who was the abbot of the Russian embassy church in Vienna and, as the published epistolary shows, the main intermediary between the Moscow editorial office of the magazine and its numerous Slavic correspondents. We found the letters in the Department of Written Sources of the Historical Museum (Moscow). They make it possible to expand the circle of Slavic correspondents of Russkaya Beseda, both those whose articles were published and those whose articles were rejected; in addition, they help clarify the issue of some pseudonyms; demonstrate the strategy of the work of a Slavophile editor with Slavic authors, his desire to publish only verified, scientifically substantiated articles, confirmed by various sources.
    Keywords: Russkaya Beseda, Slavic theme, A. I. Koshelev, M. F. Raevsky, Slavophiles
    DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.1.2024.129159
    Egor V. Sartakov 129