
№ 1 ' 2011


  • Editorial

    «Internet as a factor of internetional journalism»

    Keywords: Internet, internetional journalism
    Yassen N. Zassoursky 5
  • Sociology of Journalism

    «State Media as a Main Instrument of Providing Information Democracy»

    Author offers to rebuild the activity of state media in conditions of absence of civil media in order to make them play the role of universal representative in media sphere.
    Keywords: state media, information order, dialogue, interaction with private media, transformation of relations with audience
    Evgeniy P. Prohorov 11
  • «Keeping on Moving, or the Search for Interactivity»

    The article is focused on the phenomenon and conception of interactivity. It’s proposed to make a difference between narrow (specific) and wide (general) meaning of the term. Only certain specific manifestations of audience activity may be identi­fied as the sign of real interactivity. The author compare a number of conceptions on the subject. It's stressed that the Department of Media Sociology develops the rather long tradition of investigation of various aspects of audience media participation.
    Keywords: audience activity, interactivity, reactivity, media debates, social participation, citizen’s participation
    Irina D. Fomicheva 21
  • «New Forms of Public Activism and Their Media Coverage»

    The article is devoted to the reflection of the new forms of political behaviour in Russian mass media. New practices of the public activity are regarded on the background of the world tendencies characteristic the postmodern society. These unformalpractices are often not included in the mass media agenda-setting because of the hard political selection in media or they are illuminated very carefully and restrictedly. The article discusses the examples of the real actions reflection and the use of the discursive potential of mass media and Internet.
    Keywords: new unformal practices of public activity, lifestyle politics, selectivity of information in mass media, discursive practice in different mass media, mass communication as the civic institution
    Alla I. Verhovskaya 37
  • «Sociological Information in Russian Media»

    This article treats the mechanisms of sociological information spreading and the role of media in the representation in sociological data. Author describes research project realized in 2006—2010 — repeat complex sociological study dedicated to the analysis of peculiarities of sociological information in modem Russian media and competence level of Russian journalists working with sociological information.
    Keywords: Public Sociology, Sociological Culture of Journalist, Sociological Thinking, Sociological Information in Mass Media
    Maria E. Anikina 55
  • «Categorical Framework for the Issue of Virtualization of Media Audience’s Social Activity. Defining Concepts»

    The author explores the behavior of active and passive media audiences under virtualization of social activity. The notion of webigration is first introduced in the article, and the dangers of virtualization of social activity are regarded. The author con­templates on the existing ones and suggests his own countermeasures to virtualization.
    Keywords: virtualization of social activity, active/passive media audience, “webigration ”, primary/secondary reality
    Ilya V. Stechkin 70
  • «Print Magazine as a Morphological Element of Sub-Cultural Community»

    Authors investigate features of subcultures community as a audiences of media. This audiences differ in there structures from mass and niche media. Especially, some reasons of appearance this type of print media — journals of this community and there functions to satisfy there particular needs are described.
    Keywords: subcultures community, audiences of mass media, communication, print journals, selforganization
    Pavel V. Razin 81
  • «Media Audience’s Religious Consciousness: Texts of Mass Self-Expression as Test Objects»

    Author analyzes the religious segment of the mass media audience consciousness and draws attention to ‘unreligious religiosity’ phenomenon. Presenting the paradigm of the audience research by analyzing texts, author proposes new object for it — Internet-based mass self-expression texts. Boris Grushin’s method is suggested to be effective for investigating the essential characteristics of religious mass conscious­ness.
    Keywords: audience consciousness, unreligious religiosity, mass self-expression, Grushin
    Viktor M. Khroul 99
  • «Will Spirituality Get Its Flesh: On the Way to Concept’s Operationalization in Russian Media and Society»

    In the last time the word “spirituality” is being frequently used in the context of spiritual revival of Russia, one can say, it has become fashionable. Meanwhile, the content of this concept remains indefinite, indistinct, sometimes, extremely incom­plete. The article pinpoints questions of the meaning of the concept “spirituality”, its actuality in our days and ways of performing in society and mass media.
    Keywords: Spirituality, Consciousness, Point of life, Ideal, Positive
    Olga V. Ustimova 114
  • «Information Participation and Forms of Its Realization in Media»

    This article discusses the processes of information exchange in modern society, describes the role of mass media in information exchange and diverse forms of citizens ’ participation in media practices stipulating difference levels of audience activity. Detailed analysis of the forms of information participation — from traditional to new ones linked to new information and communication technologies development — was made and reflected in the article.
    Keywords: audience participation in media practices, feedback, author participation, consumption, forms of information participation
    Diana V. Platonova 131
  • «Media and Journalists’ Contribution to Formation of Civil Society»

    The problem of mass media involvement in forming the civilian society in Russia, in promoting socialization, and in supporting the public sector is studied. Data from population and journalist community surveys as well as a range of current media practices are analyzed. The conclusions are that journalists are disinclined to assist in the establishment of civilian society, the corresponding issues are poorly reflected in media coverage, and the level of civilian involvement in traditional media tends to be low.
    Keywords: professional orientations of journalists, civilian society, socialization, civilian interests, civilian involvement
    Alla A. Shiryaeva 142
  • «Journalism Principles’ Conflict»

    A stale deals with those situations of journalistic practice, when journalistic arti­cles provoke strained and aggressive relations between different parts of society. On the author opinion, a conflict of journalistic principles underlies this contradiction and so it may be removed if journalists abide by laws of journalistic principle system proposed by the author.
    Keywords: conflict, principles, structure, laws of functioning
    Tatiana V. Shumilina 155