
№ 2 ' 2010


  • Editorial

    «Four centuries of a newspaper »

    Keywords: newspaper, four centuries
    Yassen N. Zassoursky 4
  • Foreign Journalism

    «Transformation of political communication: media image of Silvio Berlusconi »

    This article tries to place the “phenomenon” of Silvio Berlusconi in context of old and new features of Italian politics and mass media. Berlusconi introduced a completely new way of behavior and communication in the field of politics. On the one side, he has been able to popularize Italian political culture introducing some innovations within it. At the same time he has applied to political struggle all those skills, which were derived from his business background: Berlusconi successfully developed the professionalization of political communication and adopted marketing approaches to the politics. While there is no doubt in his political and communicator genius, his case reveals serious problems to a truly democratic life, when a stable tendency towards personalization of politics rules out the possibility of serious political debate.
    Keywords: Berlusconism, personalization of politics, professionalization of political communication, Silvio Berlusconi’s media image
    Anastasiya V. Grusha, Skripkina N.N. 9
  • «Swiss media landscape: mergers and acquisitions at a time of crisis »

    Mergers and acquisitions during economic depression is in full swing. Mass me­dia integration in the hands of a few media business majors has led to obvious com­petition decline and significant restriction of pluralistic opinions. Today policy of media segment is generated by five media corporations: “Tamedia”, “NZZ Group”, “AZ Medien Group”, “Sudostsvaiz Medien” and “Ringier”. Two more foreign me­dia companies have expanded their scope of influence in western and central parts of the country: French “Group Ersan Media” and German “Axel Springer Verlag”. As a result of major deals in mass media segment monopolists have consolidated their positions in Swiss media market in practice taken over most of the editions or limited their audience significantly.
    Keywords: integration, mergers and acquisitions, media market, media corporation, “Ringier”
    Tamara S. Yakova 23
  • «Neue Zuercher Zeitung daily: overcoming crisis »

    Economic and financial crisis continues to influence negatively Swiss media industry. Every media corporation faced the problem of advertising revenue decline. The “NZZ-Gruppe” publishes а well-known in Europe quality newspaper “Neue Zuercher Zeitung” and is compelled to overcome the crisis. In the article we can find the concern and the newspaper editorial staff measures taken to counter to the crisis phenomenon. The matter is about reconstruction of the production house, changing the relations with advertisers and readers of this newspaper.
    Keywords: economic crisis, print media of Switzerland, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, NZZ, decline in advertising revenue
    Ekaterina B. Krasnova 35
  • «New french copyright laws for Internet (press debate on the new bill drafts) »

    In 2009 France approved intellectual property on the Internet observance and protection law and on-line editor status law. The article analyses key points of the bills and its discussion in French press in 2007—2009. According to the new laws the High Authority for the Distribution of Works and the Protection of Rights on the In­ternet is established. Journalist’s copyright and status in digital era as multimedia journalist are part of the new laws.
    Keywords: copyright, Internet, culture industry, Internet piracy, on-line editor status
    Milana V. Zaharova 45
  • New Media

    «Mobile internet: new communicative options »

    New technologies have changed the qualitative ability of communication process participants. The mobile Internet is finally reaching the tipping point. But deploying high-speed mobile networks and rolling out advanced handsets are not enough to spark demand — data shows that less than half of 3G phone owners use the 3G capability on their phone. To drive the mobile Internet, operators will need to reorganize the structure of business and to push flat-rate data plans, increase the number of relevant services and applications, and introduce new devices that provide a better user experience.
    Keywords: mobile Internet, communication, mobile Internet technologies, 3G, reorganization of the cellular operator business pattern
    Zhanna O. Moskvina 57
  • «Search engine news aggregation and its impact on information environment »

    In the last few years we’ve been witnessing news aggregators, a new type of media, rapidly gaining their popularity and income. Today the situation on the internet can be described as paradoxical, for the sites that do not involve any reporters’ or human editors’ effort, become top news sites (Google News is a perfect example). Aggregators change human habits in consuming information, but major media companies are at the same time losing their income: US newspapers lost 16,6% in advertising revenue during 2008. Publishers are forced to search for new business strategies that would correspond to the changing media market. The major players are trying to solve the problem in the court, using existing copyright laws to defend their interest. But such a custom can be effective only temporarily.
    Keywords: news aggregation, search engines, copyright
    Yulia M. Dakina 67
  • Foreign Journalism

    «Internet’s positions in french mediametrical research »

    In this research the author anayles French Internet with the use of mediametrical researches, provided by “Mediametrie” and “TNS-Sofres”. A special attention is given to Internet as an interactive mass media, which becomes preferential for French mass media audience.
    Keywords: France, mediametrical researches, Internet
    Tatiana Yu. Vinogradova 81
  • «Vatican and new communication technologies »

    This article presents a review of the Holy See attitude towards mass communications in general and especially to the new information technologies. It analyses the successful examples of their usage for the purpose of catholic religion propaganda. Today Vatican is presented in the information space not only by traditional media and their on-line versions, but also by such latest canals as RSS, chat room, newsgroups, mailing list, social net Facebook, video server YouTube, multiple Internet sites, dedicated to the Catholic religion, journalists-vaticanists blogs. All this permits to speak about such modern phenomena as Internet church and Cyber religion.
    Keywords: Vatican, Internet, ethics, technology, blog
    Daria A. Klimenko 100
  • «National public radio in us and new technologies: a menace or growth opportunity? »

    The article analyzes common tendencies in development of National Public Radio (USA), i.e. its steps towards convergence, interactivity, multimedia, new broadcasting platforms, and others. The author gives an opinion on changes in the sphere of public broadcasting caused by the technological evolution.
    Keywords: public radio, public broadcasting in the USA, public broadcasting service, National Public Radio, new media technologies
    Satine L. Ogadzhianyan 114
  • «ICT development in India and its social consequences »

    Information and Communication Technologies are being used in several seg­ments of the Indian market, including Internet and mobile services, landline com­munications and audiovisual media. The development of ICT influences the lifestyle of the Indian society whose main feature is the priority of age-old traditions. How­ever the Indians' national consciousness plays a key role in their ability to adapt for the new conditions of the global information society unlike the people in western countries where active use of ICT often results in the break with traditions.
    Keywords: India, ICT, traditions, national consciousness
    Irina M. Filatova 121
  • Media Economics

    «Working environment as a major intangible asset of media enterprise »

    The article contains author’s thoughts on one of the most challenging issues in media management — the value and the position of intangible assets in media enter­prises’ performance.
    Keywords: intangible assets, mass media enterprise, working environment, organizational capital
    Valeriy L. Ivanitskiy 138
  • «Advertising trends in modern russian media »

    The article outlines the main trends in contemporary media advertising. The author brings to our attention consolidated return of ad sales in different media for the last almost two decades both in Russia and abroad as well as an estimation of future ad volumes and gains for the next several years. Particular consideration is paid to the analysis of the situation and development tendencies in Russian media advertising.
    Keywords: mass media, advertising, trends, tendencies, ad management
    Alexander N. Nazaykin 148
  • Education in Journalism

    «Linguistic components of media education: speech impact theory »

    The aim of this article is a demonstration of some linguistics pragmatics and semantics aspects as a part of media education program. In particular it is recom­mended to introduce into program some basis of speech impact theory as it applies to mass media language analysis.
    Keywords: media education, speech impact, presupposition, metaphorical model, discourse analysis
    Olga B. Shergova 166
  • Advertising and Public Relations

    «PR text as an instrument for creation of corporation’s image »

    Author investigates PR-text genres, the most demanded in the crisis phenomena in economy. The genre originality of the corporate social report as PR-text is described. Features of target audiences ofPR-texts are considered.
    Keywords: PR-text, Corporate Social Responsibility, crisis
    Veronika S. Kochetova 179
  • Foreign Journalism

    «Hungarian social and political journalism in the interwar period (1918-1939) »

    This article concerns the history of Hungarian journalism (kozirok) in interwar period (in Hungarian tradition the epoch of Horthy). The period between two wars was very fruitful for journalists, who worked actually not only on the territory of Hungary but also abroad. They produced the articles of great social and cultural value. The author bases on the research taken by Hungarian media scientists and the articles printed in different magazines.
    Keywords: Hungary social and political journalism, interwar period
    Maria P. Krupnova 191
  • Criticism and Bibliography

    «Women' position in the french language swiss press: gender research»

    The article corresponds a book review of Sylvie Durer, Nicole Jufer, Stéphanie Pahud’s “La place des femmes et des hommes dans la presse écrite généraliste de Suisse romande des années 80 a nos jours” (“The place of women and men in the general printed media of the Swiss Romand from 1980s to nowadays”).
    Keywords: швейцарские массмедиа, франкоязычная пресса, гендерные исследования
    Evgenia D. Timoshenko 205