
№ 6 ' 2010


  • Editorial

    «Political crisis and US elections of 2010»

    Keywords: political crisis, US elections, 2010
    Yassen N. Zassoursky 5
  • Theory of Journalism and Media

    «On connection between conceptions of idea, type, profile and format of publication»

    The main topic of this article is concepts of idea, type, profile, format of the publication. The description of these concepts is important for study of different types of mass media. The author notes the specification of these concepts. In addition the author analyzes main differences and correlation of these concepts.
    Keywords: idea of publication, type of publication, profile of publication, format of publication, mass media
    Alexander A. Tertychniy 8
  • «Genre and format in the terminology of contemporary media»

    The expanding of the semantic field of the word "format" has disrupted the usual course of professional communication in the journalism community, which threatens some terms with displacement, in particular such a widely spread term as "genre". The author of the article tries to find an answer to the questions which embody the essence of the current situation: - Do the terms format' and genre' denote the same realities in the actual world? - What are the reasons determining the genre differentiation in journalism and are they still in force today? - What factors bring about the active usage of the term "format" and what is the denotation of this notion? - The article presents reflections on these issues.
    Keywords: genre, format, subject of communication, information market, correspondence criteria
    Galina V. Lazutina 14
  • Media Language

    «Format and genre as terms»

    The article is dedicated to a comparable analysis of notions “format” and “genre”. It is shown, that the word “format”, widely spread in practice has a vague meaning and is not a term so far. The genre retains its terminological meaning, but the notions “speech genre” and “newspaper (journalistic) genre” are often being mixed up.
    Keywords: primary speech genre, newspaper (journalistic) genre, TV genre, format
    Grigory Ya. Solganik 22
  • «Notional field for the conception of format in mass communication»

    Linguistic analysis of the semantic field of the “Format” notion, being the key one in communication of 1990-s–2000–s, demonstrates two differently directed tendencies of its use, conditioned by its actualization of the seme “standard”, “model for imitation”. The first one is an aspiration in the mass media theory for terminologization, definition of a meaning, imbedding in the conceptual row ”text – format – genre” and filling in the terminological lacuna. The other one is the definite erosion of the meaning and co-occurrence right up to the loss of any meaning, transformation into a normal fashionable word.  
    Keywords: format, seme “standard”, fashionable word, semantic field, terminolоgization of a meaning
    Tatyana I. Surikova 25
  • «Speech genres as new format of text-based jornalism »

    In this publication the term «format» with reference to textual analysis of a publicistic material is examined. Some conceptually important components of this notion very popular recently in mass-media are designated. Statements of the leading journalists are included in the text, concerning the given problem. Necessity of comparison of the term «format» with such traditional linguistic terms, as a genre and style is underlined. In article examples from modern newspapers are given.
    Keywords: format, genre, speech genres, style, semantics, ideology
    Anastasia N. Nikolaeva 30
  • «The term of format in mass communication »

    It is the first attempt to make definition to a widespread word "format" in order to differentiate concepts "genre" and "format". It was summarised that a genre includes a theme and a content traditional for it; a format – as the new term – reflects those innovations which are generated by development of technologies of the media industry and experience of media producers.
    Keywords: mass-media, format, genre, content, term, definition
    Olga R. Laschuk 36
  • Television and Radio

    «Genres and formats of contemporary television. The consequences of transformation»

    There are an analysis of causes of discussion about TV-genres and formats in modern life and short historical review of classification of broadcasting units – television programs – in the article. The changes of modern TV-content are examined on examples of some formats and genres depending on changing social practices and TV transformation. Genre and format are two aspects of complete TV-process – creative (which creates senses and which respells values) – and business-process (which makes and sells product or service). Television of format does not contradict system of television genres, but correlation of genre and format can change depending on use of these concepts in academic environment, in journalistic creation and in producing industrial practice which is focused on business.
    Keywords: genre, format, classification, social practices, the audience
    Anna G. Kachkaeva 42
  • «The classical theory of genres and modern television formats»

    The modern concept of a television format includes genre definiteness of journalistic product. A format – concept of market, a genre – aesthetic. From mutual relations of three parties: the producer, the author and the spectator the interrelation of a genre and a format is also born.
    Keywords: Television format, system of genres, the producer, the author, the spectator
    Valery L. Tsvik 52
  • «Hybridism as a character attribute of television format»

    The paper attempts to analyze the nature and mechanism of formation of formats of television programs. Defining features of television format is proposed that its hybrid and a desire for reformatting. These properties, which distinguish the format of the genre, allows a format television reflect the life of a rapidly changing modern world.
    Keywords: television, format, hybridization, formulaic genre, mythology
    Anna A. Novikova 53
  • «Format as an instrument of positioning of TV program »

    Author investigates TV formate as the set of different characteristics used by professionals. The modern content of this term is described. Features of genres and formates, dramatic composition and production bible are considered.
    Keywords: TV formate, TV genre, dramatic composition, production bible.
    Irina N. Kemarskaya 66
  • «What is format? Or the art of mass cooking»

    Author investigates the history, the essence of the meaning of the word “format”. Analyzes the history of its appearance in world’s and Russian practice. Figure our genres, and key audience characteristics.
    Keywords: formats, typology of formats, key audience, socio-demographic characteristics of key audience, lifestylе
    Viktoria A. Suhareva 70
  • «Radio formats, formatting and reformatting »

    The paper is focused on the problem of the genesis and development of radio formats using the example of American, Western European and Russian broadcasting, on the structure and the system of formats, and reformatting as a trend of development of the radio broadcasting market
    Keywords: radio station, format, formatting, reformatting, commercial broadcasting
    Lyudmila D. Bolotova , Svetlana V. Kravchenko 79
  • Media Economics

    «Format in mass communications: an industrial approach»

    In this article the author presents the definition of concept and use of format with the so called industrial approach. Within this approach format is understood as mostly management and marketing instrument contributing to sales and promotion as well as organization of more efficient and higher-quality production of communication products and services.
    Keywords: format, media industry, standards, differentiation
    Mikhail I. Makeenko 90
  • History of Journalism

    «“Mikhail Lomonosov” – the magazine for self-education of peasant’s children (1914)»

    The authors cover the story of “Mikhail Lomonosov”, the magazine for the peasants’ children that was found in the archives of Russian State Library.
    Keywords: magazine for the peasants’ children, Lomonosov, magazine, school, extramural education
    Boris I. Esin, Yuliya V. Zorina 96
  • «V. P. Botkin on the creative work of Chopin and Beethoven »

    The article revives the musical criticism articles of V. P. Botkin devoted to the works of F. Chopin and L. Beethoven, whose anniversaries cultural community celebrates worldwide this year. The author of present publication concentrates on the analysis of the Russian publicists’ texts as a real phenomenon of magazine journalism in 1840-1850s without ignoring their aesthetical, historical and musical aspects. The article deals with Botkin’s broad and integral views of culture development, it deals with the enlightening character of his publications devoted to the innovating works of Chopin. The article also concentrates on the significance of the critic’s materials in the light of the polemics concerning Beethoven’s legacy that were carried on in Russia.
    Keywords: integral sight at culture, the appeal to the listener, new piano school, the content of a piece of music, national identity of music
    Galina S. Lapshina 102
  • «The belief is the life-breath»

    General research problems in this article are L. N. Tolstoy's complete outlook, hid spiritual searches and findings of new belief. The author of article analyzes fiction and religious-philosophical works of the great writer, thinker and publicist, and especially his "Confession" (1882), which is, according to the author of research, «extraordinary important document of an epoch, literature and biography of the writer». In this article it is convincingly shown, that occurrence of Tolstoy's "Confession" in the Russian literature of a XIX-th century was very organic. In the article the material is stated conceptually, so it analyzes the important problems of L.N.Tolstoy's works in a modern way and gives the opportunity to the further research of his art, philosophical and publicistic heritage.
    Keywords: belief, power, life, unbelief, Lev Tolstoy
    Vladimir Ya. Linkov 112
  • «The “Skomorokhs” by I. A. Bunin: two versions of one poem»

    In the article we examine two versions of I. A. Bunin`s poem “The Skomorokhs” (1915; 1921). The author of the article covers the story of their origin, develops the comparative analysis of their form and content, points out their publicistic and satirical nature. In the article both versions of the poem are presented, moreover the second one is published for the first time in Russia.
    Keywords: I. A. Bunin, The Skomorokhs, poem, versions, satire
    Anton V. Bakuntsev 121
  • «The enigmas of “The Vij” and the plot developments in Gogol’s Ukrainian fairy-tales»

    Although Gogol has settled “The Vij” outside the “Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka”, this mysterious story literally crowns his Ukrainian fairy-tales, drawing together all their major plot elements. Therefore my investigation is aimed at tracing the development of Gogol`s plot structures from the “Evenings” to “The Vij”. The movement towards the “origins” may help us explain some enigmas of the latter.
    Keywords: Gogol, The Vij, plot, probation, disbalance, purification
    Boris A. Maximov 129
  • Foreign Journalism

    «Le Petit Journal as a type of 19th century popular newspaper»

    The Petit Journal was the first high-circulation popular newspaper in France which reformed the French press system in the second half of ХIХth century. The article describes the key features of the Petit Journal, market and reader conquest strategy’s peculiarities. Great attention is also paid to businessman and publisher Moïse Polydore Millaud who was the founder of the newspaper.
    Keywords: Petit Journal, popular newspaper, editorial concept, distribution system, Moise Polydore Millaud
    Milana V. Zaharova 145
  • Advertising and Public Relations

    «Effects of priming in media studies and advertising»

    The article surveys the history and main trends in studying different types of priming effect when estimating media impact and advertising effectiveness and exemplifies the topic with numerous samples of it in contemporary Russian advertising practice.
    Keywords: mass “media, advertising, priming, priming effect, context, media research, media impact, advertising effectiveness
    Alexander N. Nazaykin 160
  • Media Economics

    «Tendencies of Development of Weekly Magazine Market»

    Author investigates trends in the Russian magazine market, focusing on the weeklies of the “serious” content (i.e. business and general interest). The author analyzes the audience volume changes in the long periods of time. Besides author explores the qualitative transformation in the market and forecasts the possible changes.
    Keywords: weekly magazine, audience, general interest, business magazine
    Andrei V. Vyrkovsky 170
  • «Media Industry in Russia as a Phenomenon beyond Statistics»

    The author studies the issues of identification and statistical control at Russian media enterprises. A wide range of legal problems which hinder research into the media industry as a whole, as well as the issues of the terminological apparatus in this field, are considered.
    Keywords: media industry, media enterprise, mass media, control, systemic approach, classifier of economy branches
    Sergey S. Smirnov 178