PR 2.0: Brands and Corporation as Producers of Media Content

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Anastasiya O. Alekseeva (Folts)

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of New Media and Communication Theory, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


Section: New Media

A certain tendency has shaped for the past several years when corporations establish their own digital channels of communication with potential consumers in­stead of paying for promotional campaigns in mass media. Brands use professional journalistic skills to build up media content and hire professional reporters for this purpose. New methods of interaction with the consumers are now accessible for the brands while advanced ICT and the Internet expand on the global scale. Corpora­tions learn to create high quality content and to highlight a broad spectrum of topics to overcome the so called “syndrome of narrow-focused corporate press".

Keywords: branded communications, social network, content, mediation