
№ 2 ' 2011


  • Editorial

    «British Press under Modernization»

    Keywords: British press, modernization
    Yassen N. Zassoursky 3
  • Media Language

    «Editorial Processing of Fact as a Correct Reflection of Reality in Media Text»

    The author investigates work of the editor with an actual material in the media text. Considers pragmatical aspect of editorial activity. Analyzes rewriter’s modem methods of work with text for the purpose of creation of original text. The author assorts typical editorial receptions of check of an actual material, estimates work of the editor with terms, including definitions.
    Keywords: editor, rewriting, fact, definition, processing
    Olga R. Laschuk 8
  • «The Concept of the Course of “Editing”»

    The article is concerned with the foundation of “Editing” in Russia. It analyses theoretical and practical experience of Russian editorial school’s classicists, re­searches into creation of fundamental manuals on the topic. The article also covers traditions of continuity of this work and deals with peculiarities of development of this profession. Data, gathered from the theoretical research lets the author explain normal development of “text" concept as an object of linguistic and stylistic analysis. Due to scientific and practical understanding of the matter the author managed to give clues for text’s preparation and putting it into shape.
    Keywords: литературное редактирование, виды текстов, редактор СМИ
    Kseniya M. Nakoryakova 19
  • «Specifics of Editing of Advertising Texts»

    The work covers functional specifics of advertisement texts, their goal assign­ments and readers’ address. It specifies the phenomenon of advertisement text deter­mining peculiar principles of its editing and publishing. Are characterized main cri­teria of advertisement valuating that are divided in three groups: criterias of social responsibility, marketing value and correspondence to writing regulations. The work shows how awareness of typological characteristics of advertisement texts and its contents andform regulations raises the efficiency of creating and editing these texts.
    Keywords: advertising texts, editing, functional specifics, criteria of advertisement valuating
    Nataliya G. Inshakova 28
  • «Logical Editing of Value Judgments»

    The author deals with logical characteristics of value judgments. Editing analysis procedure for expressions of subjective assessments is based on communicative implications. It makes it possible to define general rules for structuring value judgments and to give a logical assessment to the information implicated.
    Keywords: logic of assessments, logical editing, value and factual judgments, communicative implications, rule of communicative cooperation
    Elena V. Averina 38
  • «Editorial Analysis of Media Texts: Linguistic Ethics Aspect»

    The article is devoted to changes in the paradigm of editorial analysis with the media due to the realities of XXI century. linguistic and ethical approach to copy­right materials described in this paper includes an assessment of the image of the world created by the media from the standpoint of morality and regarded as a key transition from unprincipled and entertainment journalism to journalism which cre­ates culture.
    Keywords: media language, editorial analysis, linguistic ethics, language world
    Olga M. Afanasyeva 45
  • «Definitions and Explanations in Modern Journalistic Texts: Editorial Aspect»

    The article characterizes such types of logically correct text as definition and explanation. It also covers ways of its substitution and supplementation, for example description. Analysis of examples from newspaper and magazine publications lets author prove recommendations addressed to the writers of journalistic texts. Author of the re­search hopes thatformulated requirements to a journalist and an editor will help to avoid many mistakes during the creation and preparation of journalistic text to print.
    Keywords: definition, explanation, description, types of violations
    Molibozhenko R.A. 54
  • «Title of Work of Fiction. Editor’s Reflections»

    This article contains a research of regularities in creation of titles in Russian works of fiction. The author analyses the experience of Russian classics; investigates the factors of choosing the title; estimates well- and baldy chosen titles of various literary works for different ages.
    Keywords: title of work of fiction, original and badly-chosen titles
    Elena V. Skudar 61
  • «University Textbooks: The Author and the Editor»

    Attempt to identify the problems of the author and editor of textbooks at the pres­ent stage, organize new facts in the publication of textbooks, to show emerging trends and their features in the expansion of its main species. Analysis of individual publi­cations over the past two years: conceptual and structural solutions, content features, the nature of use, innovation in the supply of didactic and illustrative material. Dra­matic changes in the ideological and didactic politics of higher education bring new demands on the state standards, authors and editors of textbooks. Obvious meaning of the tasks: modify the typological structure of the complex educational publica­tions, develop a clear vision of structural-content component of educational books, review the current system criteria for editorial evaluation.
    Keywords: textbooks, author, editorial criteria
    Vera I. Frolova 69
  • History of Journalism

    «Examining Adaptation and Retelling of Russian Folk Tales for Children»

    The article examines the ways to adapt Russian folk tales in order to facilitate perception of those by children.
    Keywords: adaptation, retelling, folk tale
    Mariya I. Alekseeva 79
  • «“...and Chernishevskiy came in — so smart and so hottempere...”»

    The author analyzes the polemic subtext of Chemishevskiy’s review on L. Tolstoy ’s first works. The review helped Chernishevskiy to cany out his tactical and strategy purposes of the editorial policy. They are being considered here.
    Keywords: discourse of the editorial staff, the editorial policy, reputation of the magazine and editorial staff
    Svetlana Ya. Dolinina 91
  • «The Collection “I.A. Bunin in newspaper “Segodbnya” (1920—1939)”. Preparing the Publication»

    The author of the article tells us about his own experience of preparing the publi­cation of the collection “I. A. Bunin in newspaper ‘Segodnya’ (1920—1939) ”. The key stages of this work are examined in the article. The author gives much attention to some specific features of his future book.
    Keywords: I.A. Bunin, the newspaper “Segodnya ”, collection, texts, publication
    Anton V. Bakuntsev 103
  • Sociology of Journalism

    «Media and Journalists’ Contribution to Formation of Civil Society (Part 2)»

    The problem of mass media involvement in forming the civilian society in Russia, in promoting socialization, and in supporting the public sector is studied. Data from population and journalist community surveys as well as a range of current media practices are analyzed. The conclusions are that journalists are disinclined to assist in the establishment of civilian society, the corresponding issues are poorly reflected in media coverage, and the level of civilian involvement in traditional media tends to be low.
    Keywords: professional orientations of journalists, civilian society, socialization, civilian interests, civilian involvement
    Alla A. Shiryaeva 115
  • Advertising and Public Relations

    «PR Theory and Practice in Innovative Discourse (Part 2)»

    In the article the results of the innovative approach to creation the newest theoreti­cal paradigms of the theory of public relations in the sphere of its new subjects is offered for the first time. The author researches these new subjects, such as Academic Public Relations (APR) and Scientific Public Relations (SPR), puts forward a complex of definitions and models of communication in this sphere.
    Keywords: intellectual economics, knowledge-intensive communication, innovation, Public Relations as a system, Academic Public Relations (APR), Scientific- Public Relations (SPR)
    Marina G. Shilina 124
  • «Creators of Music Content in Social Media: New Field of Communication Options or Self-Exploitation? (Part 2)»

    The article describes the new information ecosystem that the creators and con­sumers of music inhabit in post-record-industry times. The generalfocus of research in this field, as a rule, lies on the mechanisms of involvement, motivation and activities of devoted music consumers (fans). This article focuses on the new communication opportunities available in the virtual space to artist as a creator of cultural content, and the transformation of professional work in cultural industries associated with the development of those tools. The article represents the result of a research project held in 2009 under the auspices of the Swedish Institute.
    Keywords: social media, cultural industries, music, media strategies, control, distance
    Grigory D. Goldenzwaig 135
  • Media Language

    «De-individualization and De-personification in Political Discourse»

    The article is dedicated to the semantic and stylistic techniques that are de-indi- vidualization and de-personification still unexplored by modem linguistics. Under review there are the verbal means being used for implementation of the mentioned devices. It is emphasized that within the political mass-media discourse de-indi- vidualization and de-personification techniques become the image constructs and their creative potentialities are detected.
    Keywords: de-individualization, de-personification, image, image construct, alien marker, implicit verbal aggression
    Vera N. Suzdaltseva 151
  • Foreign Journalism

    «Image of Russian Sportsmen in Foreign Media (The Case of Vancouver Winter Olympics 2010)»

    This article is aimed at highlighting the way Russian sportsmen are depicted in foreign press. To attain this goal linguistic and stylistic units that can be found in the articles under examination, and also the context have been thoroughly studied. We also took into account the basic mood of the publications (such as praises, approval, critical approach, insult, etc.) and the dominant connotation (positive, neutral, balanced, negative). The result of this study is a complex characterization of the image of Russian sportsmen that appeared in foreign press during the Olympic games 2010.
    Keywords: image, positive and negative connotation, mood, foreign mass media
    Anna A. Gladkova 161
  • History of Journalism

    «Медиаполитика Германии, Испании и Италии в тоталитарный период: противоречивые тенденции в публичной сфере»

    Keywords: Review, Mediapolitics, Germany, Spain, Italy
    Olga V. Shtyrkina 182