New Media
«Mediatized Protest Mobilization on Social Networks: Algorithms for Building Speech Strategies»
The article proposes an algorithmic model for the formation of strategies for mobilizing protest on social networks through the mechanisms of mediatization of a local incident on the example of an event which received wide resonance in the Internet space and turned into a real confrontation between civil activists, local authorities and businesses. The research is interdisciplinary in nature and is carried out at the junction of the political science theory of discourse, the philological theory of speech acts, and the theory of mediatization, implemented in line with the institutional approach to agenda setting. In the empirical part of the work, methods of mathematical processing of big data are used. The purpose of the study is to propose a theoretical model for the formation of mobilization strategies in the situation of mediatization of a local incident and to test the underlying hypotheses based on the analysis of the conflict around the project of building a temple on the site of a public garden (Ekaterinburg, 2019). The authors revealed the presence of explicit markers of partial strategies in the speech practices of agents of online mobilization. Using the methods of linguistic analysis, they showed that the mediatization of a local incident on social networks can act as one of the mechanisms for mobilizing political protest.
Keywords: mediatization, mobilization, algorithm, speech strategy, social networks, protest
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.2.2021.324Dmitry P. Gavra, Elena V. Bykova 3 -
«Emotional Public Sphere: Polarization of Paralinguistic Internet Discourse»
This paper examines paralinguistic Internet discourse in the context of political communication science and sociology of emotions. Over the past years, there has been a development in studying emotions from the sociological perspective. However, political communication science and media research were not affected by this "emotional turn". At the same time, social networks show an increase in the means of emotional expression forming specific Internet discourse. The authors of the paper consider the concept of "emotional public sphere" and the role of new epistemiс communities – echo chambers, filter bubbles and safe spaces, which influence the formation of emotionally homogeneous environments. Using the methods of multidimensional scaling and network analysis, the authors examine paralinguistic Internet discourse of the politicized communities of the social network. This work reveals the special characteristics of polarization of online communities and demonstrates the models of ideological and emotional polarization of communities. Put together, these results provide important insights into the influence of the post-truth phenomenon on political communication.
Keywords: Internet discourse, paralinguistic discourse, post-truth, public sphere, public emotions, emoticon, echo chamber
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.2.2021.2548Denis S. Martyanov, Galina V. Lukyanova 25 -
Sociology of Journalism
«Work Histories of Young Journalism Graduates in Moscow in the 2010s»
The preparatory overview of significant research publications on the work histories of journalists and media professionals (Zion, Sherwood et al., 2018; Cohen, Hunter, O’Donnell, 2019; Davidson, Meyers, 2016; Svitich, 1986) revealed conceptual similarities of both professional realities of various time periods (including the last decade) and approaches to their research and interpretation. The media work has for a long time been and nowadays is very unstable and precarious, it is an appealing field for many people not intending to work sustainably in a concrete organization or even in the profession. So one can repeatedly change working positions in media while staying in related professional fields or even moving to totally different spheres. Nevertheless it became obvious that the data on issues like how often one changes jobs in media or in which particular directions staffers move inside or outside the media industry are sparse. Thus for better understanding of the processes in the media job market it is necessary to get more information on whether people are able to get jobs particularly in media, how often they have to change jobs, for how long media workers stay at a working position in the same organization or how widespread the practice of leaving media for other professional spheres is. For our study of work histories and career developments of media workers in Russia we examined work experiences of younger journalists (the previous research made it evident that the first few years at work present the most dynamic and effective period for career achievements and formation of social capital for journalists, which in the Russian case made us turn to those under 30) who graduated from the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, in 2009-2019 (n=264). More than half of the respondents began work for a living / got professional experience / built a career while still being students. And those who did not have full-time or freelance job while at the University normally came, at least temporarily, to journalism / media / communication fields after graduation. Basically, the work of the overwhelming majority of graduates in the 2010s was associated with the above-mentioned fields. In most cases, their full-time jobs (both before and after graduation) were in journalism, with public relations sector being a distant second. The study showed that only half of full-time / part-time jobs for young specialists were in newsrooms, a fact supporting the trend that the field of media / communication activities has become very broad and gained ground well beyond journalism. The revealed work trajectories of the respondents made it evident that within the 2010s the young media and communication workers became extremely mobile with the highest intensity of circulation among various organizations (newsrooms, press relations services, communication agencies) and even different spheres of communication work (a demonstrative development was from journalism to public relations). The mean and median duration of staying at one job in the 2010s did not even approach 2 years, more often being around one year. On the one hand, those rates can be explained by the growing instability and precarity of modern working environment in media, where projects and jobs appear and vanish rapidly. But on the other hand, it is important to take into account the modern young professionals’ psychological and mental characteristics dealing with loyalty, motivation, professional and personal interests or social capital, which directly affect their attitude to work histories and careers and are likely to result in the preference for the so-called patchwork careers and portfolio employment.
Keywords: work history, journalists, journalism, strategic communications, media, full-time employment, precarity
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.2.2021.4992Mikhail I. Makeenko, Andrei V. Vyrkovsky 49 -
«Mass Media as a Source of Information for Making Business Decisions (a Case Study of the Russian Financial Sector)»
This paper presents the results of a study, which aim was to find out how members of the Russian business use media information and to what extent they trust it. A number of in-depth interviews with members of the Russian financial sector were conducted. The study showed that the role of mass media in the process of decision making is seen as secondary. However, there are reasons to believe that quality mass media are not a critically important but necessary source of information for making efficient business decisions. First and foremost, this is so because of the established standards of practice in quality media, including editorial selection of information.
Keywords: decision making, business media, business, media consumption
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.2.2021.93112Emma B. Terchenko 93 -
«Journalistic Work in Crimean Media: Results of an Empirical Study»
This paper presents the results of a study devoted to the activity of journalists who work in Crimean media. The author’s attention is mainly aimed at two aspects: journalists’ perception of their own work based on professional experience and their practical activity during the implementation of editorial tasks. This article reflects the results that were obtained through interviews with 95 journalists from 56 media outlets situated in 20 localities of the Crimean peninsula. Drawing on the collected data, the author argues that Crimean journalists focus on individual work when producing texts and use surveys as a method of gathering information. It was also found that Crimean journalists prefer to choose topics for their texts in accordance with the criteria of relevance and originality as well as to use ordinary citizens as a source of information. The author concludes that Crimean journalists have a clear vision about the hierarchy of professional tasks which should be performed within their editorial work. At the same time, they tend to use a vast variety of methodological tools trying to apply the newest achievements of journalistic work.
Keywords: journalists, Crimea, media, journalistic work, perception of professional activity, practice of editorial work
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.2.2021.113135Egor R. Zharovskiy 113 -
History of Journalism
«The First Volume of the Complete Works of Pushkin Edited by Bryusov in Critical Reviews of the 1920s »
The article analyzes the reception of the Complete Works of Alexander Pushkin edited by Valery Bryusov in literary criticism of the 1920s. The first and the only published volume of this publication, prepared for the State Publishing House and issued in the spring of 1920, caused controversy in the scientific community. The author's goal was to collect the maximum number of reviews published in the press of the 1920s and reflecting literary critics’ views on Bryusov's methods of work as an editor. His relations with each of the serious critics, which influenced the reception of the publication in print, seem to be important. The article describes the advantages and disadvantages of the Complete Works and also poses problems important for textual criticism. The article presents an attempt to analyze what the reason is for the ambivalent attitude towards the volume edited by Bryusov. The author comes to the conclusion that Bryusov the poet often defeated Bryusov the textual critic, which explains many of the reproaches to the publication coming from Pushkin scholars. At the same time, the prejudice of St. Petersburg philologists against Moscow Pushkin studies played a significant role.
Keywords: literary criticism, Alexander Pushkin, Valery Bryusov, Pushkin studies, text studies
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.2.2021.136155Svetlana A. Kazakova 136 -
«Party Leadership of Radio Broadcasting in the Buryat-Mongol ASSR During the War»
This article examines an important period of operation of republican radio broadcasting during the Great Patriotic War on the example of the Buryat-Mongol ASSR. The authors present the results of the first ever done quantitative and qualitative analysis of the decisions made by the Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks preserved in the party fund of the State Archive of the Republic of Buryatia. The materials of wartime documents devoted to the issues of radio installation, radio broadcasting and political radio propaganda were thoroughly studied and introduced into scientific circulation. Notably, some archival files remain classified. Data analysis shows that the radical restructuring of radio broadcasting in the republic was successful and this was because of the party’s skillful use of organizational and methodological tools. Due to its common sense leadership, the quality of radio service of the population improved, the broadcasting network became wider and radio propaganda was widely developed. In this matter, the radio committee of Buryatia and the network of rural radio editors also played an important role. Workers, collective farmers, those working in medicine, education, science and culture took an active part in the broadcasts of the radio committee and rural radio editions. During the Great Patriotic War, interest in radio transmissions grew unusually, and the proficiency of the Russian language among the national audience noticeably improved.
Keywords: radio broadcasting, Great Patriotic War, Buryatia, party leadership
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.2.2021.156180Bayarma B. Shagdarova, Olga V. Tikhonova 156 -
«Determinants of Key Paradigms in Media Effects Research»
The article is devoted to the conceptual differences in explanatory models applied to the mechanisms of media influence on the audience (media effects) by the researchers working within three key paradigms of social sciences: constructivist, cognitivist and critical one. The author has developed a generalizing classification of the key conceptual determinants (distinguishing features) of the constructivist, cognitive and critical approaches (sub-directions) within the study of media effects. This classification can be used by researchers as a tool that simplifies navigation in an ever-increasing volume and diversity of scientific publications in this area, which, in turn, can contribute to the integration of scientific discussion about media effects and help to overcome the crisis state of this area of research.
Keywords: media effects, agenda setting, framing, paradigm
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.2.2021.181199Ivan Yu. Podolian 181