Journalistic Work in Crimean Media: Results of an Empirical Study

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Egor R. Zharovskiy

PhD student at the Chair of Sociology of Mass Communications, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


Section: Sociology of Journalism

This paper presents the results of a study devoted to the activity of journalists who work in Crimean media. The author’s attention is mainly aimed at two aspects: journalists’ perception of their own work based on professional experience and their practical activity during the implementation of editorial tasks. This article reflects the results that were obtained through interviews with 95 journalists from 56 media outlets situated in 20 localities of the Crimean peninsula. Drawing on the collected data, the author argues that Crimean journalists focus on individual work when producing texts and use surveys as a method of gathering information. It was also found that Crimean journalists prefer to choose topics for their texts in accordance with the criteria of relevance and originality as well as to use ordinary citizens as a source of information. The author concludes that Crimean journalists have a clear vision about the hierarchy of professional tasks which should be performed within their editorial work. At the same time, they tend to use a vast variety of methodological tools trying to apply the newest achievements of journalistic work.

Keywords: journalists, Crimea, media, journalistic work, perception of professional activity, practice of editorial work
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.2.2021.113135


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