Mediatized Protest Mobilization on Social Networks: Algorithms for Building Speech Strategies

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Dmitry P. Gavra

Doctor of Sociology, Professor, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia

Elena V. Bykova

Doctor of Philology, Professor, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia


Section: New Media

The article proposes an algorithmic model for the formation of strategies for mobilizing protest on social networks through the mechanisms of mediatization of a local incident on the example of an event which received wide resonance in the Internet space and turned into a real confrontation between civil activists, local authorities and businesses. The research is interdisciplinary in nature and is carried out at the junction of the political science theory of discourse, the philological theory of speech acts, and the theory of mediatization, implemented in line with the institutional approach to agenda setting. In the empirical part of the work, methods of mathematical processing of big data are used. The purpose of the study is to propose a theoretical model for the formation of mobilization strategies in the situation of mediatization of a local incident and to test the underlying hypotheses based on the analysis of the conflict around the project of building a temple on the site of a public garden (Ekaterinburg, 2019). The authors revealed the presence of explicit markers of partial strategies in the speech practices of agents of online mobilization. Using the methods of linguistic analysis, they showed that the mediatization of a local incident on social networks can act as one of the mechanisms for mobilizing political protest.

Keywords: mediatization, mobilization, algorithm, speech strategy, social networks, protest
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.2.2021.324


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