Keywords: open journalism, editorialYassen N. Zassoursky 3 -
Periodical Press
«Modern Press: A Field of Notion and Terms»
The article is devoted to consideration of key concepts and terms related to journalism: journalism, media, press, mass communication. Discusses the factors of development of society, science and the mass media, which lead to change and clarify terms and concepts related to journalism.
Keywords: journalism, current affairs, periodical press, media, mass communicationLuiza G. Svitich 7 -
«Print Media Strategies in the Age of Digital Technologies»
The article analyzes processes going on in the segment of print media, dicusses main factors which led to the crisis of print media, and considers prospects of their development in the context of digitalization. Taking into account the data collected during researches and statistics, the author suggests that despite pessimistic forecast, newspapers and magazines have prospects for development. In order to adapt to the new conditions, they have to implement new strategies which will allow them work successfully in digital age and gain new positions.
Keywords: digital technologies and mass media, remediatization of mass media, strategies of modern print mediaOlga V. Smirnova 26 -
«The Print during the Transformation of Media System»
In this article is investigated the nature of transformations of the press in the conditions of Post-Soviet transformation of the Russian media system. Characterized the role of media system as a whole, and periodicals in particular, in processes of theoretical, art, spiritual and practical development of reality by various social subjects, and also that influence which they make on media system in the conditions of Post-Soviet transformation. Resources of the modem periodical press and way of its transformations in the course of formation of information society come to light.
Keywords: media system, media space, media picture, transformation, forrnatizationMikhail V. Shkondin 39 -
«Print Media in Search for Typological Identity »
The author examines the structure of printed periodicals in the context of the development of information and communication technologies and proves that the differences between the newspaper and the magazine are blurred. The article shows that the typological characteristics of printed periodicals have not been strictly determined but in terms of the Internet such features as periodicity, size, particularities of the information presented are virtually erased.
Keywords: periodicals, newspaper, magazine, typological characteristicsSvetlana S. Raspopova 55 -
«The Press and the Value Orientation of an Audience: Options and Results»
The article attracts the attention of the readers to the role of print periodical editions in the value relations of the society. The author analyzes the notions «value orientation», «value orienting» and finds the links between them, tries to identify the participation capabilities of print editions in the value orientation and examines the factors, which can help the harmonization of the value relations in society.
Keywords: media content, value orientation, «hot spots» of value relations, system contradictions of society developmentGalina V. Lazutina 66 -
«The Correlation of Technology and Creativity in Modern Journalism»
In this article author analyses the correlation creative and technological originates in the contemporary journalistic of Russia. Also there is description of the essence creative and technological, their likeness and difference and role in the creation of journalistic texts. In addition the author analyses their influence on the evolution of the journalistic in Russia.
Keywords: creative and technological in journalistic, correlation creative and technological, journalistic in RussiaAlexander A. Tertychniy 78 -
«Essey vs Publicism: New Trends in Russian Press»
In the article the author analyses a new tendency of development of genres in Russian journalism connected with regeneration of the essay and its intensive penetration into the mass media. The interaction of the mass media and the genre transformed both the journalism and the essay. In the first place dictatorship of the «publicism» become democratic coexistence of the «publicism» and the essays. In the second place the essay has changed and acquired new signs. The research peculiarity of the modem essay allow to imagine the model of the work. It has got both theoretical and practical importance.
Keywords: essay, publicism, journalism, democratization, genresIgor P. Magay 90 -
«Humanitarian Agenda in Media»
This article presents a theoretical concept of the humanitarian agenda of the mass media as a specific segment of media content, it is a link in a logical sequence of concepts also known as the humanitarian values of society, anthropocentric media paradigm and the humanistic mission of journalism. We will describe the structure of the humanitarian agenda and characterize methodological approaches to evaluate the real condition in modern day media practice. We will also underline the key qualities of the humanitarian agenda of Russian periodicals, which were selected on the last year studies.
Keywords: dehumanization of media space, humanistic mission of the media, humanitarian agenda and structure, communication strategies, mediacareer of social problemTatiana I. Frolova 108 -
«Scientific Educational Topics in Modern Press»
The article provides a brief overview of the current market popular science journals in Russia. It presents the characteristic of the topical aspects which form the subject area of science and enlightenment journalism and description of functional features of popular science journals. Highlighted the problems of science, most often reflected in the headings «Science» of social and political periodicals, lists the tasks of journalists in creating popular science publications. In addition, it is emphasized that «science journalism» represents a special kind of scientific communication, and the «science enlightenment journalism» is a kind of journalistic creativity.
Keywords: science journalism, science and enlightenment journalism, popular science problems, popular science magazines, cultural and enlightenment function of journalismSofya P. Suvorova 128 -
«The Image of Women in Modern Russian Press»
Social, political and economic reforms of the 1990s—2000s have forced a considerable transformation of women’s images in modem Russian press. Modem Russian women are influenced by the rigid patriarchal tradition on the one hand, and on the other hand they face egalitarian principles gaining strength. That turns into difficulties when searching unequivocal gender identity, and that is why the mass media often becomes the leading institute broadcasting gender values. The article represents the results of a vast research of the leading printed mass media. The goal of this research was to describe key female characters on the pages of modem newspapers, as well as to look at their differences and similarities, as seen by all the creators of the media content: the journalist, the hero and heroine of the publications, experts and the reader.
Keywords: mass media, printed media, media images, women’s imagesBalalueva I.A. 135 -
Sociology of Journalism
«The Depressive Media Consumption (A Study of Television Preferences in Rural Areas) »
The article presents the results of a television consumption survey of rural residents. We prove that people choose the TV content that corresponds to their mindset. This is true to people of all ages and socio-cultural statutes. These views suggest that the villagers are in a state of social depression — they tend to become less sensitive and more alienated towards symbols, values and conventions of the present-day media. Thus we introduce the term «depressive media consumption» that refers to this rural viewing pattern.
Keywords: media consumption, television preferences, socio-cultural status, social depressionIlya V. Kiriya, Anna A. Novikova 154 -
Advertising and Public Relations
«Open Communications as an Instrument of Shaping an Image of the State (the Case of Modern Russia)»
The authors envisage the problem of shaping open communications as a factor of creating a positive reputation of a country in the world. Open communications are treated within a general concept of strategic communications as being pivotal for forming the positive reputation of an actor of politics. Given an evolution of the political sphere in Russia, the authors raise a question of why open communications are being badly realized here. Following it, the article attempts to study the essence of the above concept and focuses on its problematic aspects. Also, the ways of fulfillment of this concept in current Russian conditions are debated.
Keywords: strategic communication, Internet, public diplomacy, public relations, manipulation, information securityDmitry L. Strovsky, Greg Simons 168