«Poverty That Concerns the New York Times»
Keywords: New York Times, poverty, presidentYassen N. Zassoursky 3 -
Periodical Press
«Print Media: The Tools of Publicity»
The article outlines the publicity resources which contemporary Russian print media possess. The author characterizes the factors, influencing the typological structure of Russian periodicals.
Keywords: publicity, type, format, transformation, print media, InternetMikhail V. Shkondin 7 -
«Modern Print Media: Media Matrix as a Basis of Concept»
This article is devoted to the concept of media matrix, which represents a complex of norms and rules, according to which a mass media product is created and produced. These norms and rules present themselves on all the stages of journalism and editorial activity. On the basis of paradigms of professional activity, which have the role of fundamental socio-professional attitudes, defining the general character of the relations between the journalist and the audience, the author presents a media typology and gives a classification of Russian publications.
Keywords: mass media product, media matrix, socio-professional attitude, media typologyIosif M. Dzyaloshinsky 22 -
Modern Journalism: Subjects and Issues
«Manezhnaya Proschad, December 2010: Decoding the Reality (Media and Problematics of the Conflict)»
The article is dedicated to the mass media coverage of the protest action (Moscow, Manezhnaya Square, December 2010). The action is examined as a presentation of young generation protest activity. The article also contains the results of content analysis made on journalistic texts in print media covering the “Manezhnaya conflict”. Expert review of “Manezhnaya case” is presented as well: the opinions of a social scientist, a lawyer, a political scientist and mass communication specialists are included.
Keywords: print media, conflict, new generation, political participationEkaterina A. Voinova , Mariya A. Portnyagina, Lyudmila L. Resnyanskaya, Ekaterina V. Sivakova 37 -
«Searching for Responsible Journalism (Afterwards of the Round Table)»
The round table discussion «Contemporary Russian media: in pursuit of responsible journalism» was held within the frames of the International research conference, which is traditionally organized at the Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University as a way to summarize the press activities for the last year. The discussion, which took place, is interesting for the researchers’ community for a number of reasons. The following article gives the readers a chance to get acquainted with an abridged version of the presentations.
Keywords: mass media, journalism’s mission, responsible journalism, conditions of journalist’s activities, journalist’s reputationGalina V. Lazutina, Olga A. Klyosova (Dmitrieva), Diana Yu. Kulchitskaya 55 -
Periodical Press
«The Press and the Society: Modern Stage’s Relationship»
In the information age the establishment of an effective self-regulatory system for the media will play a key role in improving media quality. Print media are especially concerned as they are having hard times currently. This article discusses the contradictions, which prevent the development of media self-regulation. The research aims to find out the causes for these contradictions.
Keywords: journalism, professional and ethical values, media self-regulationFilatova I.V. 69 -
«Local Press in the Megapolis: Mirroring the Life or Serving the Authorities»
In this article the author analyses the problems of local media development in Moscow. For the last 14 years a unique system of local mass media was formed in the capital. First of all, it comprises free of charge press. Secondly, it is published under the conditions of censorship exercised by the media founders — local authorities.
Keywords: local press, free newspapers, censorshipZolotykh A.D. 75 -
«New Regulating Policy for Russian Regional Press»
The fact that the state is leaving the Russian media sector and the existing deregulation of regional press lead to a more significant dependence of editorial teams on the local authorities, local business and in general to an intensification of the negative influence of the information globalization processes on the whole Russian society.
Keywords: regional press, deregulation, globalization, media marketVladimir L. Kasyutin 85 -
Modern Journalism: Subjects and Issues
«Trends in Using Genres in Modern Russian Print Media»
In this article the author examines the usage of genres and the structure of the genre systems in Russian mass media. Besides, there is a description of the character and results of the interaction between the genre systems of Russian and Western mass media. In addition the author analyses a new development trend of genre systems in Russian mass media.
Keywords: genre, genre system, mass media, Russia journalism, usage of genres and structures of genre systems in mass mediaAlexander A. Tertychniy 93 -
New Media
«Print Media Journalists under Digital Revolution: Trial by Changes»
The article is devoted to the new trends in the Russian press. The author describes the switch to digital platform based on the example of the newspaper Rossiyskaya gazeta. The paper tells how journalists and readers started exploring the Internet environment.
Keywords: print publication, web site, readership, alternative media platformsLarisa A. Kallioma 102 -
Education in Journalism
«Media Educating Technologies in Print Media»
The article raises the question of forming media competent audience. The problem of enhancing the level of readers’ media literacy is shifted from the field of conceptual enlightening aims to the field of day-to-day necessity, it is regarded as a factor of creating interactive media environment and promoting print media on the basis of dialogue communication.
Keywords: media education technologies in the mass media, media education project, school of journalism, journalism courses, media literacy, journalism model of educationIrina V. Zhilavskaya 107 -
Advertising and Public Relations
«New Approaches to Growing Effectiveness of Advertising Texts in Media»
The article surveys different approaches to contemporary mass-media ad copy effectiveness and efficiency. Special attention is paid to term specification and efficiency factor analysis. New methods of enhancing ad impact and effectiveness are suggested.
Keywords: massmedia, advertising, copy, text, style, effectiveness, impact, efficiency factors, check listAlexander N. Nazaykin 119 -
Foreign Journalism
«Cambio 16 Magazine in the 1970s: from the “Magazine on Economics and Society” to News Weekly»
The main aim of the article is to analyze the changes in the editorial policy of the magazine Cambio 16 from the beginning of publishing in 1971 to the end of decade, and to estimate its role in the becoming of Spanish democratic press. After dictator's Franco death in 1975 Spain was to produce the dismantling of authoritarian regime and establish the Civil Society in the country. The so-called «paper parliament» played an important role in the process. The weekly Cambio 16 was the first example of a quality magazine based on the european publishing standards and presenting critical and impartial attitude to information. From 1974 the journal attracted the attention of readers and became a flagship of Spanish democratic press. In the period of democratic reforms of 1975—1978 Cambio 16 was transformed into political magazine and initiated the public discussion of the key issues.
Keywords: Spanish press, the Political Transformation of Spain, Cambio 16, weekly news magazine, civil societyYuriy V. Vysokov 131 -
«Marina Goldovskaya, Director and Cinematographer: Between the Past and the Future… but Always in the Present»
The author investigates creative and pedagogical activity of the well-known operator and the film director Marina Evseevna Goldovskaya, her best works in domestic documentary аМ in the richest experience in pedagogical sphere.
Keywords: cinema, cameraman, editing, documentary, Solovky, GoldovskayaKirill B. Baryshnikov 147