
№ 5 ' 2017


  • Sociology of Journalism

    «Newspapers and Magazines in the Media System of Million Cities: a Sociological Study»

    The article presents the results of a sociological study of the media system of today’s million cities, the place of print media in this media system and their main structural, thematic and functional characteristics. The study involving more than 400 newspapers and magazines from 13 cities of over one million people aimed to examine the main demographic, economic and socio-cultural factors that shape the media system of these cities. It also elicited the average structural model of the modern press in million cities.
    Keywords: media system of million cities, newspapers and magazines, structural, thematic and functional media model
    Luiza G. Svitich, Olga V. Smirnova, Mikhail V. Shkondin 3
  • «Current Conceptual Approaches to the Process of Young People’s Media Consumption of Online News »

    The article considers the approaches to understanding the process of news production and consumption in the digital environment and, first and foremost, young people’s media consumption of online news and its effects on the audience in terms of civic culture, lifestyle and identity formation. The practices of young people, especially students, prove to be the markers of the changing trends in media consumption. Their study is important for understanding the current state of the ongoing media transformations. The article analyzes and systematizes the results of several researches, primarily researches into students’ media consumption, conducted by Russian and foreign scholars. The authors of the article propose not only to re-conceptualize the agenda-setting and gatekeeping theories, but also to rethink how online news changes young people’s notions of civic participation and generally forms a new type of civic culture and how media consumption of online news is related to the process of young people’s self-identification.
    Keywords: online news, young people, civic culture, lifestyle, identity, media consumption
    Denis V. Dunas, Anna V. Tolokonnikova, Taras S. Cherevko 30
  • «Transformation of Journalistic Work in Response to new Technologies: Information Search, Genres of Media Texts, Editorial Culture»

    The in-depth interviews conducted with Russian journalists from 17 media outlets show that new technologies have changed almost every aspect of journalistic work: the search for information and newsmakers, skills and competencies requirements, communication among colleagues, genres of media texts and journalists’ performance assessment. Changes have not significantly affected the size and structure of editorial boards. The practice of working from home has not gained ground either, which can be explained by technological rather than psychological reasons.
    Keywords: convergence, editorial structure, communication with newsmakers, information search, journalists’ skills
    Alexander V. Kolesnichenko, Andrei V. Vyrkovsky, Marina Yu. Galkina, Anastasia Yu. Obraztsova, Sergei A. Vartanov 51
  • Television and Radio

    «Models of Audience Participation on Television: Between New and Traditional Media»

    The article concerns the issue of audience participation on television. This is an unattended issue in Russian media research. The authors argue that Russian general format channels are reducing public participation and the TV programs still on air use only very conservative forms of such participation. This leads to a withdrawal of active people from television and the division of the audience into traditional media and new media consumers. Analyzing the practice of Western television, the authors conclude that so far there is no model of communication with the TV audience that could meet expectations and demands. Neither the genre nor the format of television programs nor whether the TV channel is commercial or public service one establish the standards of audience participation that would guarantee full-fledged communication. The authors offer their own anthropocentric model of communication with the audience and outline its major typological characteristics and constructing principles.
    Keywords: models of audience participation on television, genre and format of a TV channel, traditional media and new media, anthropocentric model of communication
    Evgeny Ya. Dugin, Oleg A. Kupriyanov 72
  • Media Language

    «Trolling in The Russian Media »

    The article is devoted to a special type of speech behavior known as trolling. It is noted that trolling arises as a response to changes in media operations and from anonymous network communication turns into the speech practice actively used by traditional media. In terms of intention, trolling can be characterized as a self­affirmation destroying communication, a tough correction on the part of polemists wishing to distract the conversation away from the subject of controversy or a suggestion to have fun and remove stress. In terms of structure, trolling in dialogic speech is a metatextual stimulating remark that does not require an answer and in monologic written speech it is a special way of conducting the author’s verbal role. The linguistic prerequisites for trolling are: multi-style variation of language means, polysemy which leads to creating alogisms, stylistic contrasts; in oral speech: shouting the opponent down, a displacement of semantic accents in someone’s speech by intonation emphasis or by repetition of the opponent’s words. The following semantic forms of trolling are identified: rudeness, mockery, sarcasm, or snickering, poking fun at the speaker, making play with ambiguities, uncertainty and absolute nonsense in someone’s speech.
    Keywords: trolling, provocation, mockery, media text, speech practice
    Lilia R. Duskaeva, Yulia M. Konyaeva 84
  • History of Journalism

    «V.Ya. Swittau’s Promyshlennaya Gazeta in the First Year of its Publication»

    The paper discusses the publication history of V.Ya. Swittau’s newspaper Promyshlennaya Gazeta in 1865. The author analyzes in detail the content and structure of the newspaper, focuses on the topics and subjects of the main articles (free trade, protectionism, credits, the development of domestic industries, etc.), the subscription price and the contributors in the first year of publication. Special attention is given to the newspaper’s position on the key issues of the 1860s.
    Keywords: newspaper, industry, trade, national economy, crafts, credit
    Irina A. Surnina 119
  • «A.T. Bolotov’s Journals Selsky Zhitel and Economichesky Magazin: the History of Their Publication»

    The article deals with the history of emergence and publication of the magazines Selsky Zhitel (1779) and Ekonomichesky Magazin (1780—1789), their programs, the main thematic areas, content, the principles of interaction with readers and the participants. Particular attention is paid to the personality of their editor, agronomist and writer A.T. Bolotov, to his contributions to the journal Trudy Volnogo Ekonomicheskogo Obstchestva and the circumstances under which his own journals about the rural economy were founded.
    Keywords: Bolotov A.T., 18th century Russian journalism, Selsky Zhitel, Ekonomichesky Magazin
    Alexandra Yu. Veselova 142
  • « “Die Vollkommenste Stimmung”: Novalis on the Tasks and Methods of Philosophizing»

    Unlike many outstanding thinkers of the 17th and 18th centuries, Novalis was not preoccupied with a search for “objective truth”. Rather, he used philosophy as a means to achieve the “most excellent mood”, which can be basically depicted drawing on his ambiguous and mostly unclassified notes. In this paper, the author examines some essential features of this ideal condition such as inner diversity, integrity of mind, mental flexibility, constant self-awareness, procreative capacities (in the broadest sense of the word) and, finally, inner body balance. Additionally, attention is paid to the methodical approaches used by Novalis in order to achieve his cherished goal, with particular focus on the new, romantic tendencies in his philosophical writings that were alien to the intellectual tradition of the Enlightenment.
    Keywords: Novalis, philosophy, integrity, animation, strengthening procedures
    Boris A. Maximov 169
  • Essay

    «The Aksakov Family before and after the Peasant Reform»

    The article recreates the economic life of writer S.T. Aksakov’s family in the pre-reform and post-reform time. The people around them considered the Aksakovs to be a well-to-do and even rich family, which was not true and which is confirmed in our article by family correspondence. Difficult life circumstances taught all family members to be thrifty and respectful to the money earned with the labor of serfs. All the Aksakovs were supporters of the abolition of serfdom, although the reform brought them a reduction in income by half and eventually led to the sale of the estate near Moscow that had been bought in 1843 — Abramtsevo, acquired by merchant S.I. Mamontov. The transfer of the noble property to the representatives of the “third estate” is a typical situation for post-reform Russia.
    Keywords: household, estate, income, liberation of peasants, the Aksakovs
    Tatiana F. Pirozhkova 225
  • Criticism and Bibliography

    «Journalists and Journalism: The Unity of Opposites?»

    A review of the book: Journalists’ Ideas of the Profession and Professional Community. Overall Analytical Report on the Results of Research Works. Civic Initiatives Committee, 2017. — 145 p. 
    Keywords: journalist, journalism
    Ivan A. Pankeev 247