A.T. Bolotov’s Journals Selsky Zhitel and Economichesky Magazin: the History of Their Publication

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Alexandra Yu. Veselova

PhD in Philology, Researcher at the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House), Russian Academy of Science, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

e-mail: aveselova@inbox.ru

Section: History of Journalism

The article deals with the history of emergence and publication of the magazines Selsky Zhitel (1779) and Ekonomichesky Magazin (1780—1789), their programs, the main thematic areas, content, the principles of interaction with readers and the participants. Particular attention is paid to the personality of their editor, agronomist and writer A.T. Bolotov, to his contributions to the journal Trudy Volnogo Ekonomicheskogo Obstchestva and the circumstances under which his own journals about the rural economy were founded.

Keywords: Bolotov A.T., 18th century Russian journalism, Selsky Zhitel, Ekonomichesky Magazin

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