
№ 4 ' 2024


  • Theory of Journalism and Media

    «Citation Approaches of Russian Media Researchers in the Context of Internationalisation of Russian Science»

    The article contains the results of the metadata analysis of 2011 scientific articles on media and communication published by researchers with Russian affiliation in journals indexed in the international database Web of Science (WoS) in 2017–2021. The analysis of references revealed differences in approaches to source selection in the case of all articles and those published in foreign journals in WoS, excluding ESCI (221 publications). In the latter, foreign sources are cited significantly more often, while in general foreign literature is still quite rare and used only to a limited extent by domestic researchers. Among Russian sources most recent articles are usually cited, which may be due to close ties within a small community of authors, as well as the recent formalisation of domestic media and communication research as a separate discipline. There is a clear tendency to cite domestic colleagues, in case of Russia this phenomenon is closely related to some isolation of scientific journals in Russian, the language barrier and not particularly developed personal ties with foreign researchers.
    Keywords: media studies, Russia, international integration, science communication, media theorie
    DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.4.2024.323
    Igor V. Anisimov, Mikhail I. Makeenko, Nataliia D. Trishchenko 3
  • Sociology of Journalism

    «The Role of the Expert Author in Media Coverage of Art»

    The article analyzes the role and status of experts publishing materials about art in the media, and also it consideres a range of problems associated with their activities in this area. The most complex and controversial problems of presenting works of art in the media are reported from the point of view of their creators, journalists, theoretical specialists, museum workers, art experts. The results of the analysis of a series of semi-structured interviews with representatives of the above-mentioned groups allow us to assert that the primary problems are the objectivity of materials of cultural topics and the expression of personal experts’ opinions in the media. In addition, we can conclude that the difficulties of modern art journalism are associated with several aspects: the level of education and professionalism of different types of attracted authors; the expansion of the audience with different requirements and very diverse levels of awareness of art issues; the influence of external facts on the work of authors (an abundance of various information, lack of time to immerse themselves in the topic and prepare high-quality materials).
    Keywords: art, art journalist, art critic, art historian
    DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.4.2024.2448
    Alisa V. Poklonskaya 24
  • Media Law

    «New Media Laws and Regulation in the Eurasian Economic Union Member State»

    The problems of legal regulation of new media are becoming particularly relevant in the context of their changing role and ever-growing importance in international geopolitical and ethnopolitical conflicts. This article presents the results of the author’s analysis of current republican and federal legislative acts regulating the activities of online media in the states of the Eurasian Economic Union in order to identify the prerequisites and obstacles for the formation of harmonized legislation that will help ensure information and psychological security in the EAEU. As the analysis showed, the existing documents regulating the media sphere in the EAEU countries contain differences in terms of the conceptual apparatus. Thus, the definition of online media and their role in national media systems remains unclear. Special attention should be paid to bloggers whose legal status is currently not clearly fixed in any of the EAEU countries despite their influence potential. Taking into account the current geopolitical context and the impact of digitalization on national media markets, the issue of regulating foreign participation and interaction of states in the field of new media is also becoming fundamental — at the moment this is also only partially reflected in federal and republican legislation. Among the possible harmonization tools at this stage, the authors propose the formation of special glossaries developed with the help of expert groups.
    Keywords: new media, law, regulation, EAEU, post-Soviet states
    DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.4.2024.4970
    Olga Yu. Vikhrova, Yaroslava S. Gorlova 49
  • History of Journalism

    «The Problem of Tashkent’s Incorporation into Russia in the Newspaper “Golos” (1865–1866)»

    The article examines the materials of the newspaper “Golos”, namely, articles for 1865–1866 concerning events in Central Asia, where in the summer of 1865 Tashkent was captured. This presented the Russian government with the problem, since the annexation of city and adjacent lands threatened foreign policy complications and did not promise obvious material benefits. The liberal newspaper “Golos” was a participant in this discussion. An analysis of the publications allows us to trace how the editors’ opinion changed: at first the publisher advocated for maintaining the independence of Tashkent, but after a warning was given to the newspaper, the tone of judgment changed sharply, and “Golos” began to support the course of incorporating Central Asian lands into Russian Empire, which was officially carried out in 1866.
    Keywords: newspaper “Golos”, M. G. Chernyaev, Turkestan region, Tashkent, 1865–1866, incorporation of Central Asia into Russian Empire
    DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.4.2024.7191
    Yuriy A. Kurdin, Aleksandr R. Panov, Aleksandr A. Shirinyants 71
  • Essay

    «Media Research as a Field of Science: Define the Boundaries of the Subject of Research»

    The article examines the current problem associated with the formation of the terminological apparatus and subject area of media studies as a new field of science. Here we examine the situation in media linguistics, which is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty caused by the increased arbitrariness of word usage due to the wide access of the population to the Internet space, which has opened up for the modern person. The author of the article sees the possibility of resolving this problem in a thorough study of the basic concepts of media studies and those factors that form the subject of study of this field of science. There are two main sections of the article. chapters, one of which analyzes the key terms of this field of science, the other examines the factors shaping its subject area and identifies areas to be studied. The main research tool is a table with the help of which the characteristics of the media industry as a polystructural system, which has become the subject of study for media studies, are determined and research zones are established. corresponding to certain structural layers of the media industry. The article concludes with conclusions proposed by the author as the basis of the concept of media studies – a scientific field consisting of at least ten relatively independent areas of study, each of which requires consideration of its past, present and future, as well as a discussion of key postulates and terms.
    Keywords: convergence, media communications, media industry, media studies, activity, media content
    DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.4.2024.92106
    Galina V. Lazutina 92
  • Criticism and Bibliography

    «Glory and Misery of Communication Theory at the Age of Artificial Sociality (Reflecting on Elena Esposito’s Book “Artificial Communication: How Algorithms Produce Social Intelligence”)»

    In this essay, the authors reflect on the possibility of comprehending the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in society through the prism of communication theories. The starting point for their considerations is the recently published monograph by Niklas Luhmann’s student Elena Esposito, who proposes and develops the concept of artificial communication. The authors of the essay seek to substantiate two theses. First, Esposito’s application of Luhmann’s theory to analyzing interactions between humans and algorithms in contemporary society is the most successful attempt within communication studies. Second, Esposito’s position’s limitations arise from the chosen conceptual apparatus, making it challenging to grasp human-algorithm distinctions. By comparing artificial communication to other socio-psychological and sociological concepts, the authors attempt to surpass these limitations.
    Keywords: artificial communication, communication theory, Elena Esposito, Niklas Luhmann, artificial intelligence
    DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.4.2024.107119
    Andrey V. Rezaev, Natalia D. Tregubova 107