Aggression in Media Users’ Communication: an Analysis of Behavioral Features and Mutual Influence

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Varvara V. Kazhberova

PhD in Philology, Researcher at the Problem Laboratory for Integrated Studies of Topical Issues of Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Alexander G. Chkhartishvili

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Chief Researcher at the Trapeznikov Institute of Management Problems of RAS, Moscow, Russia

Dmitry A. Gubanov

Doctor of Engineering, Leading Researcher at the Trapeznikov Institute of Management Problems of RAS, Moscow, Russia

Ivan V. Kozitsyn

PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Senior Researcher at the Trapeznikov Institute of Management Problems of RAS, Moscow, Russia

Evgeny V. Belyavsky

PhD student at the Trapeznikov Institute of Management Problems of RAS, Moscow, Russia

Denis N. Fedyanin

Researcher at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Researcher at the Trapeznikov Institute of Management Problems of RAS, Moscow, Russia

Sergey N. Cherkasov

Doctor of Medicine, Chief Researcher at the Trapeznikov Institute of Management Problems of RAS, Moscow, Russia

Dmitry O. Meshkov

Doctor of Medicine, Chief Researcher at the Trapeznikov Institute of Management Problems of RAS, Moscow, Russia


Section: Sociology of Journalism

Examining the possibilities of mutual influence of users in new media, the researchers found a high level of aggression and hate speech when discussing an urgent social problem – measures to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. This fact determined both the central topic of the proposed article and the pivotal aspect of the follow-up research. The first chapter of the article is devoted to the characteristics of the prerequisites of the undertaken research and its main features. The subsequent chapters include methodological hallmarks of the study, theoretical substantiation of the concepts of "aggression" and "hate speech" and identification of systemic connections of these concepts with other characteristics of messages. As a consequence, a mathematical model of aggression growth was created and its manageability was analyzed using basic social media strategies. The results can be useful for developing media content in a modern digital environment.

Keywords: aggression, hate speech, new media, social networks, internet users, comments, media consumers
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.3.2023.2656


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To cite this article: Kazhberova V. V., Chkhartishvili A. G., Gubanov D. A., Kozitsyn I. V., Belyavsky E. V., Fedyanin D. N., Cherkasov S. N., Meshkov D. O. (2023) Agressiya v obshchenii mediapol'zovatelei: analiz osobennostei povedeniya i vzaimnogo vliyaniya [Aggression in Media Users’ Communication: an Analysis of Behavioral Features and Mutual Influence]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 10. Zhurnalistika 3: 26–56. DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.3.2023.2656