Adaptation of Russian ‘Big Three’ Television Channels’ News Broadcasting to the Conditions of the Media Market in the Republic of Moldova
Download paperPhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Television and Radio Broadcasting, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; ORCID 0000-0002-3348-4537
e-mail: tihonovao@list.ruPhD student at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: staserl757@mail.ruSection: Television and Radio
The results of a study of the mechanisms for adapting the news programs of Russian ‘Big Three’ TV channels to the conditions of the media market and legal framework of the Republic of Moldova are presented in the article. Nowadays TV channels partly rebroadcast from Russia – Perviy Kanal, Rossiya 1 and NTV – exist in the Moldavian media system. Each of them has analogues in Moldova: Primul n Moldova, RTR Moldova and NTV Moldova. This article gives a general idea of the transformation of Russian TV channels in the post-Soviet space within the framework of a policy aimed at infringing on Russian-language content in the Republic of Moldova. The conclusions about the restriction of the volume of Russian-language broadcasting in Moldova, about the politicization of the adapted broadcasts of the TV channels of Russian ‘Big Three’ in the country, as well as about the underfunding of their production process, which affects the quality of the produced content, can be used to fully understand the operation of the three largest Russian media companies – Channel One, VGTRK and NTV Television Company.
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To cite this article: Tikhonova O.V., Slobodyanyuk A.A. (2023) Adaptatsiya informatsionnogo veshchaniya rossiĭskikh telekanalov «bol'shoi troiki» k usloviyam mediarynka Respubliki Moldova [Adaptation of Russian ‘Big Three’ Television Channels’ News Broadcasting to the Conditions of the Media Market in the Republic of Moldova]. Vestnik Mosk. un-ta. Seriya 10. Zhurnalistika 2: 47–72. DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.2.2023.4772