Periodization of Journalism Development in the Tomsk Province/Tomsk Region

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Natalia V. Zhilyakova

Doctor of Philology, Head of the Chair of Theory and Practice of Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia


Section: History of Journalism

This article is devoted to the periodization of journalism history in a large Siberian region, whose center is the city of Tomsk. Before the revolution of 1917, it was the Tomsk province, in the Soviet and post-Soviet times – the Tomsk region. The chronological framework of the study is from the appearance of the first periodicals, published in the territory of the Tomsk province in 1857, and until 2022. The introduction states that the identification of the main stages and periods of journalism development is one of the most important tasks facing researchers who turn to the study of regional media systems. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the periodization of Tomsk journalism development in three eras (pre-revolutionary, Soviet, post-Soviet) is presented. The literature review includes the contributions of researchers into pre-revolutionary journalism in Russia, Soviet journalism, and the modern Russian media system. The article proposes a working version of periodization that meets the needs of researchers into modern journalism history of Tomsk. The main conclusions are related to the identification of different development rates of regional journalism. It was revealed that at the initial stage, Tomsk journalism developed much more slowly than journalism in large cities of European Russia, since the periodicals in Siberia had a limited number of authors, an extremely small readership, and were under censorship pressure. In the Soviet era, Tomsk journalism “synchronized” with the journalism in the USSR, the main development stages and periods at that time generally coincided. The modern era associated with the transition of journalism to the digital environment indicates new trends in the development of the regional media landscape that require a deeper study. The presented work is experimental, suggesting the possibility of its adjustment, however it is essential for a comprehensive study of Tomsk journalism.

Keywords: history of journalism, periodization, Tomsk, media system, region
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.5.2022.6381


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To cite this article: Zhilyakova N.V. (2022) Periodizatsiya razvitiya zhurnalistiki Tomskoy gubernii/Tomskoy oblasti [Periodization щf Journalism Development in the Tomsk Province/Tomsk Region].Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 10. Zhurnalistika 5: 63–81. DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.5.2022.6381