Characteristic Features of the Approaches of Russian Media to Working with Content in Their Groups on Social Networks
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The importance of social networks for the dissemination of media materials greatly increased in the 2010s. As a matter of fact, social networks began to be listed as the main sources of traffic to media websites and as the primary sources of information for the audience. While in 2010 the traffic to media websites from social networks was around 1%, in 2014 it was already more than 10%, and in subsequent years it continued to grow, reaching 48% in 2017. Now, almost all media outlets in some way face the question of representing their content on social networks. The success of media itself depends on understanding which approaches to working with media content on social networks should be taken. The study sets a goal to answer the following questions: 1) did the media outlets increase their number of posts on social networks? 2) what are the key features of media outlets’ approaches to working with content on social networks? The analysis reveals some distinctive features such as the prevailing theme of accidents in the messages and the negative sentiment of the posts, the active use of media content (illustrations and videos), and the growing number of posts using videos and emojis. A large empirical base was used for the analysis, namely more than 200 thousand Russian media posts on social networks such as VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook* and Twitter*.
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To cite this article: Pershina E.D. (2022) Podkhod rossiyskikh SMI k rabote so svoim kontentom v sotsial'nykh setyakh [Characteristic Features of the Approaches of Russian Media to Working with Content in Their Groups on Social Networks]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 10. Zhurnalistika 3: 87–105. DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.3.2022.87105