On Using the Term “Image” in Russian-Language Studies into the Problem of Media Representation of Territories
Download paperDoctor of Philology, Professor at the Chair of Communication Technologies and Public Relations, Faculty of Journalism, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus
e-mail: sidorskay@bsu.bySection: Theory of Journalism and Media
The paper examines the practicality and correctness of using the terms “obraz” vs “image” and “media obraz” vs “media image” in the study of territorial representation in the media. The author presents the main approaches to using the terms “obraz” and “image” and identifies their similarities and differences. The paper argues that there are different types of object representations in the media sphere and that the journalistic type of representing territories proves to be dominant. It also argues that when studying media representations, the mechanisms of not only reflecting but also of constructing the reality should be taken into account. The paper showcases the important role that mass media and the media sphere in general play in building the system of representations of territorial formations, especially with regard to non-neighboring territories. The paper offers several conclusions concerning the practicality of using the terms “obraz” vs “image” and “media obraz” vs “media image” in media representation of territories. The paper also suggests recommendations for the correct use of these terms. The novelty of this paper lies in finding the scientific ground for the methodological correctness of using various terms that define media representation of territorial formations.
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.3.2021.173197References:
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