Interactive Elements in the Program "Direct Line with Vladimir Putin" (2001-2018)

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Yulia I. Dolgova

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Television and Radio Broadcasting, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Marina V. Pimenova

Editor of the Business News group of the NTV television program “Today”, Moscow, Russia


Section: Television and Radio

“Direct Line with Vladimir Putin” is a unique format of Russian socio-political broadcasting provoking a steady interest of the television audience. At the same time, it causes a discussion about authenticity and interactivity of communication between people and authorities in a live phone-in. The purpose of this article was to study the interactive elements used to generate communication between the President and people in the programme, ways to combine them and the degree of interactivity of these elements. As interactive elements, we understand any question from viewers put in different forms and the President’s answers. The article proposes the criteria of interactivity of these elements. During the first stage of the study, the interactive elements were identified, in the second stage, according to the selected criteria, the degree of their interactivity was determined. As expected by the authors, all the installments of the program are based on a combination of elements with high and low degree of interactivity, which allows the founders of the program to realize a range of socially important tasks. It was found that during the first three installments the share of the elements with high degree of interactivity was slightly higher than that of the elements with low degree of interactivity. The study also showed that the increase in the number of interactive elements does not indicate an increase in the level of interactivity of the “Direct Line”.

Keywords: political journalism, socio-political broadcasting, interactivity, media interactivity, “Direct Line with Vladimir Putin”, political activism
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.1.2020.5978


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