Interaction of Theatrical and Other Discourses in Mass Media (Through the Example of the Functioning of Thematic Metaphors)
Download paperLecturer at the Chair of Stylistics of the Russian Language, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: mar-gruzdeva@yandex.ruSection: Media Language
The vital theme of the interaction between theatrical and other discourses (political, economic, military, criminal, sport) in contemporary Russian mass media is considered in this article through the example of the functioning of thematic metaphors. The study of the lexical aspect is important for an understanding of the processes which take place as a result of the interaction of discourses and enrich media language with new meanings and means of expression. The very concept of theatricality is not limited to theatrical art but covers various spheres of social life. This is why the functioning of the vocabulary of theatrical discourse in other thematic varieties of media discourse is of great interest. It is also important to trace the return process of the impact of different discourses on the style and content of materials about theatre. Russian media materials in different genres are analyzed in the article demonstrating the mutual influence of theatrical and other discourses. The specificity of the functioning of thematic metaphors actualizes when the vocabulary from different discourses becomes metaphorical within the interaction. The mutual influence of theatrical and other discourses promotes the stylistic diversity of aesthetic and ethical evaluations in media texts and the perception of theatre art at a new social and political level.
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