The Radio Newspaper “To All, All, All!” in May 1925: the Content Aspect
Download paperPhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Television and Radio Broadcasting, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; ORCID 0000-0002-3348-4537
e-mail: tihonovao@list.ruSection: Television and Radio
This paper examines an important period in the establishment of Russian radio journalism in its primary form of radio programs – radio newspapers, a prototype of the structure of the broadcasting day in modern radio broadcasting. The texts of the installments are also valuable as historical evidence making it possible to trace the developments in the country and worldwide. This scientific work aimed to carefully study the content of the programs in order to shape the understanding of the radio newspaper as a form of radio journalism in the mid-1920s. The empirical basis consisted of 17 broadcasts of morning and evening installments of the radio newspaper “To All, All, All!” The materials of the time sheet dated from May 11 to May 25, 1925 from the funds of the State Archive of the Russian Federation were introduced into scientific use. The main research method was quantitative and qualitative content analysis used in accordance with a special codifier: the number of installments and materials, size in lines; genres, themes, the main characters, the “geography” of materials, stylistic means, characteristics of the rundown, curious historical facts. The results of the study confirmed the literary and journalistic nature of the morning and evening installments respectively. The radio newspaper’s palette includes various genres, among which such genres as a news item, telegram, report, review, comment, poem and story dominate. There is thematic diversity, the major issues being politics/the work of power structures, economics/production, agriculture/food products, finances/ loans, culture/arts, science/ technology, family life/feelings. In the “geography” of the content, the prevalence of foreign countries is evident. The study proved that the radio newspaper was broadcast as a consistently rundown sound edition; its form carried in itself the foundations of programming and development of radio journalism as a whole.
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.joum.1.2019.95116References:
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