The Jewish Topic in the Foreign Russian-Language Press of the 1970s: a Case Study of Journal Periodicals

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Dmitry L. Strovsky

Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Politics/Media Researcher at Ariel University, Professor at Ekaterinburg Academy of Contemporary Art, Ariel, Israel

Alexei V. Antoshin

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Chair of Asian Studies, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russia


Section: History of Journalism

The Russian-language media published beyond Russia have always paid attention to the diversity of existing life. There are many research works dealing with their operation. However, the focus of these media on the ‘Jewish topic’, fairly significant in their content, remains virtually unstudied. The authors of this article bridge this gap to some extent by analyzing the activities of the Russian-language periodicals of the 1970s, when the above topic gained momentum due to an increase in emigration and repatriation from the USSR. Examining the content of such journals as "Noviy Zhurnal", "Posev" and "Kontinent", involved in the coverage of the ‘Jewish topic’, the authors have a chance to evaluate the spiritual state of the emigrant wave at that time.

Keywords: Russia abroad, Russian-language press, journal periodicals, emigration, repatriation, ‘Jewish issue’
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.6.2018.137171


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