Some Problems and Tasks of Teaching Media Linguistics

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Ludmila A. Brusenskaya

Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Chair of the Russian Language and Speech Culture, Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Ella G. Kulikova

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Chair of the Russian Language and Speech Culture, Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don, Russia


Section: Media Language

Media linguistics is aimed at the establishment of a special functionality of language signs determined by modern media. Within the framework of media linguistics, there is mutual adaptation of the journalistic and linguistic apparatus. A special media language is a prerequisite for the formation of media linguistics. A rigid hierarchy of what is right and wrong, normative and non-normative is replaced by media communication, which is tolerant to deviations: an expanded view of the options suitable for different circumstances prevails. Dissatisfaction with the media language should be overcome not without the participation of linguists. The common good consists in maintaining a high cultural level in media communication, and it should limit the manifestation of the destructive element, even if for some specific purposes in a certain target audience this element may be relevant. The recognition of media linguistics as a special branch of linguistics makes many areas of interdisciplinary research of the media language currently important. The most promising ones are as follows: the correlation of verbal and audiovisual components of the media language; the correspondence of media texts to the ideas of ecological communication; the translation of ethical and speech norms through the media; the correlation of system and contextual norms in the media. The didactic (pedagogical) aspect is also extremely important.

Keywords: media communication, media language, scientific overreach, normativity
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.4.2018.139158


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