Special Features of the Conceptual Model of Russian Visual Arts Magazines
Download paperPhD student at the Chair of Periodical Press, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: gorlova.k@bk.ruSection: Periodical Press
The article presents the results of a content analysis of contemporary Russian visual arts magazines — Garage Russia, Iskusstvo and Russkoe Iskusstvo, which were chosen taking into consideration the typological analysis of similar magazines previously made by the author. Ten issues of the magazines during the period from January till December 2016 were considered. Modern Russian art field is at the stage of formation, and visual arts media promote the development of the industry, the effective functioning of its institutions, the raising of art literacy standards among a wide audience and the popularization of visual arts. The topicality of this article is determined by the need to correct the existing models and develop new up-to-date ones. The author of the article draws conclusions about the concepts of the analyzed magazines based on the thematic, genre and author criteria. The obtained characteristics prove to be special and dissimilar for each of the analyzed magazines. Besides that, the author compares the results of the content analysis with the self-identity of the magazines to check if they follow their own self-proclaimed concept. In the final analysis, it may be said that a contemporary Russian visual arts magazine is a periodical about fine arts that uses a wide range of genres, collaborates with professionals in the art field and is meant for a vast audience that is non-professional in arts and the cultural sector as a whole.
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.1.2018.4371References:
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