Publications of Russian Post-Reform Conservatism as Viewed by Modern Reseachers

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Olga S. Kruglikova

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Journalism History, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia


Section: Criticism and Bibliography

Book review: Badalyan D.A. (2016) “The Calling Bell”: Ivan Aksakov in Russian Journalism of the Late 1870s — the First Half of the 1880s. Monograph. Saint Petersburg: Rostok Publ.Росток, 2016.

Keywords: Russian Post-Reform Conservatism

Badalyan D. A. (2000) Russkaya ideya i rossiyskaya tsenzura (k istorii dvukh statey A. S. Khomyakova) [Russian Idea and Russian Censorship (towards the history of two articles by A.S. Khomyakov)]. In G. V. Zhirkov (ed.) «U mysli stoya na chasakh». Tsenzory Rossii i tsenzura ["In thought standing on the watch". Russian censors and censorship]Pp. 176–200. (In Russian)

Badalyan D. (2005) I. S. Aksakov – redaktor i publitsist [I.S. Aksakov as an Editor and Journalist]. In  L. P. Gromova (ed.) Istoriya russkoy zhurnalistiki XVIII–XIX vekov. Uchebnik. [History of Russian Journalism of the 18th – 19th Century. Textbook]. St. Petersburg: SPbGU Publ. Pp. 470–478. (In Russian)

Badalyan D. A. (2010) I. S. Aksakov i gazeta “Rus’” v obshchestvennoy zhizni Rossii: dissertatsiya na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni kandidata istoricheskikh nauk. [I.S. Aksakov and the Rus Newspaper in Russian Public Life: PhD. hist. sci. diss.] St. Petersburg. (In Russian)

Badalyan D. A. (2016) Gazeta I.S. Aksakova «Rus’» i tsenzura [I.S. Aksakov’s Rus Newspaper and Censorship]. Russkaya literatura 1: 94–115. (In Russian)

Badalyan D. A. (2016) «Kolokol prizyvnyy»: Ivan Aksakov v russkoy zhurnalistike kontsa 1870-kh – pervoy poloviny 1880-kh gg. [“The Calling Bell”: Ivan Aksakov in Russian Journalism of the Late 1870s – the First Half of the 1880s]. Saint Petersburg: Rostok Publ. (In Russian)

Fetisenko O. L. (2012) «Geptastilisty»: Konstantin Leont’ev, ego sobesedniki i ucheniki (Idei russkogo konservatizma v literaturno-khudozhestvennykh i publitsisticheskikh praktikakh vtoroy poloviny XIX - pervoy chetverti XX veka) [“Heptastylists”: Konstantin Leontiev: His Interlocutors and Followers (The Ideas of Russian Conservatism in Literary and Artistic and Journalistic Practices in the Latter Half of the 19th – the First Quarter of the 20th Century)]. Saint Petersburg: Pushkinskiy dom. (In Russian)

Katkov M. N. (2011) Sobr. soch.: v 6 t. T. 3. [Complete Works: in 6 vol. Vol. 3] Saint Petersburg: Rostok Publ. (In Russian)

Samarin Yu. F. (1996) Izbrannye proizvedeniya. [Selected Works]. Moscow. 

Tsimbaev N. I. (1978) I.S. Aksakov v obshchestvennoy zhizni poreformennoy Rossii [I. S. Aksakov in the Public Life of Post-Reform Russia]. Moscow. (In Russian)

Vengerov S. A. (1889) Kritiko-biograficheskiy slovar’ russkikh pisateley i uchenykh. T. 1 [Critical and Biographical Dictionary of Russian Writers and Scientists. Vol.1]. Saint Petersburg. (In Russian)