«Terrible Book» by Yu. F. Samarin (“Outskirts of Russia” As Seen by Contemporaries)

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Tatiana F. Pirozhkova

Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Chair of History of Russian Literature and Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

e-mail: ruslit.msu@yandex.ru

Section: History of Journalism

The article is concerned with the Baltic issue first raised in Russian print publications by the famous Slavophile Yu.F. Samarin in his book “Outskirts of Russia” (1868—1876). The book was issued abroad: it was impossible to publish it in Russia as its author condemned the German nobility for the forcible Germanization of Latvians and Aesti and the Russian government — for connivance to this policy. The author was reprimanded by Emperor Alexander II for his “Outskirts of Russia”, and so were the journalists who had supported Samarin’s ideas about implementing in the Baltic region the same reforms as in Russia. These ideas were partly realized only at the end of the 1880s, during the reign of Alexander III.

Keywords: Baltic issue, Latvians, Aesti, Baltic Germans, outskirts

Chernukha V. G. (1989) Pravitel’stvennaya politika v otnoshenii pechati. 60– 70-e gody XIX v. [Governmental Policy towards the Press. The 60s – 70s of the 19th Century]. Leningrad. (In Russian)

Mikhaylova Yu. L. (2007) Slavyanofily i ostzeyskiy vopros (40–60 gg. XIX v.) [Slavophiles and the Baltic Issue (the 40s - 60s of the 19th Century]. Otechestvennaya istoriya 5: 49–61. (In Russian)