Press Conferences in the Russian General Staff about Romania’s Entry into World War I

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Ivan V. Obedkov

PhD in History, teacher of History and Social Studies at Moscow Shuvalov gymnasium № 1448, Moscow, Russia


Section: History of Journalism

The article analyzes various aspects of cooperation between the Russian General Staff and journalists on the information support of Romania’s entry into World War I on the side of the Entente. Discussing at press conferences the Russian occupation of Bukovina and the same plans for Transilvania, General Staff officers tended to push Romanian politicians into an alliance with Russia. In autumn of 1916, the Romanian army suffered a heavy defeat, after which Russian General Staff officers began to design the positive image of Romanian troops, camouflage their failures and justify the retreat of Russian troops from Romania. The unsuccessful battles in Romania clearly contributed to the aggravation of the political crisis in Russia by February 1917.

Keywords: World War I, General Staff, Russian military journalism, press conferences, Romania

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