RosBusinessConsulting (RBC): the Aspects of Operation in the Convergent Environment

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Vasily A. Polynov

PhD student at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


Section: New Media

This article discusses various aspects of how news agencies operate in the digital environment in a case study of the RBC information web service. The start of online activity, a direct access to a wider audience and the possibility of establishing a dialogue and practical interaction with the audience strengthened the position of RBC as the flagship of the media space. The article analyzes the characteristics of RBC operation from the standpoint of its status of an online business media outlet: the content structuring and heading, modification of genre forms and their elements, features of indexing, header policy and other criteria. In addition to the analysis of the web content, the author considers the news agency’s operation as a part of the media holding. The recent restart of all platforms and their integration under a single RBC 360 brand created conditions for recycling the online content in the holding’s print and audiovisual media. The analysis concludes with an evaluation of the conformity between the web service‘s convergence strategies and the audience‘s information needs and their comparison to the quantitative performance indicators.

Keywords: convergence, multimedia, news portal, media holding, business journalism, RosBusinessConsulting, recycling

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