The Comic as a Creative Modus in Polycode Commercial Advertising

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Anastasia V. Morozova

PhD student at the Chair of Stylistics of the Russian Language, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, art conservator at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, Russia


Section: Advertising and Public Relations

The operation of the aesthetic category of the comic is considered in the article as a way to improve the effectiveness of commercial advertising. The comic is regarded as a macro phenomenon and as one of the creative modi. The mechanism of the comic impact consists in an intellectual game, localized in one of the key components of advertising communication (in the brand or company name, in the title or in the end of the text) and realized in verbal or visual form, in naming units or narratives. The creation of game opposition and its unexpected resolution causes laughter and aesthetic enjoyment, which is normally followed by the development of a positive attitude towards the advertised product. The article describes numerous techniques of comic advertising actualized in terms of polycode means of text organization: verbal, visual, narrative and those related to objects, characters and genre.

Keywords: comic advertising, commercial advertising aesthetics, comic techniques

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