New Research Challenges in Russian Media Management and Media Economics

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Andrei V. Vyrkovsky

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


Section: Theory of Journalism and Media

The article presents the results of meta-research of the scholar activity in media management and media economics fields in Russia. The author has analyzed the dissertation papers on proper subjects and scientific articles in leading publications. The content analysis of these papers has been applied as well. The quantity of articles and dissertations on media management and media economic has been growing rapidly since 2003, but there are few scientific centers producing noticeable number of papers. The strategic management is the most popular theoretical approach amongst Russian scholars. But the bias of Russian scientific paradigm toward the normative theories is evident. This may be a sign of strong need to explain the consequences of political decisions being taken in the country. The author has revealed that Russian scientists are more likely to investigate the subjects of “higher” level of media ecosystem (media environment and media organization). Levels of technologies, tasks and individual users are less explored.

Keywords: meta-research, media management, media economics, theory, object of research

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