Beginnings and Genesis of Social and Political Talk Show Format

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Petr V. Gulenko

PhD Researcher at the Chair of TV and Radio, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


Section: Television and Radio

Social and political talk show is one of the most popular format of the contemporary television broadcasting. But its history and the problem of periodization is the poorly understood question. The author analyses the first USA talk show as a precondition of the format appearance, as well on Russian television. The article also investigates the origins of talk show on Soviet television in the 70s. The program «Ot vsej dushi» was distinguished as a prototype of modern social and political talk show. The author examines the development of the format after the easing of political censorship in the 80s and its heyday in the first decade of post-Soviet Russia in the 90s of the twentieth century. The final part represents the periodization of the history of talk show on the national television until 2000.

Keywords: talk show, social and political broadcasting, history of television, Vladimir Pozner, Phil Donahue, «Ot vsej dushi»

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