Academic Resources for Professional Specialization of Journalists: Background, Functions, Content and Forms

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Tatiana I. Frolova

Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Chair of Periodical Press, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


Section: Education in Journalism

This article deals with the experience of training journalism students under the new Bachelor Degree Program. The author draws attention to the thematic and object specialization. Russian media’s modern content strategies often cause critical remarks coming from the society, researchers and professional groups. The quality of content is directly related to social responsibility of the media. Among the factors that determine the quality of media content the author distinguishes journalists’ level of subject competence. The educational thematic modules concept is regarded as the result of current theoretical discourse. New programs are used in teaching practice at the MSU Faculty of Journalism and designed to give and deepen subject knowledge on the basic spheres of social life. The concept, contents, form and means of study program are presented by the example of social journalism. The article presents the results of numerous surveys envolving students enrolled in the program module, as well as data analysis from the standpoint of the forming of professional and ethical attitudes of future journalists and their potential impact on the nature of media content strategies. The author recommends developing various forms of increasing subject competence of journalists.

Keywords: social responsibility of the media, media content, media content strategy, journalists subject competence, educational innovation, thematic module

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