
№ 3 ' 2014


  • Media Economics

    «Regional Disproportions in the Russian Media Systems Development»

    This article is focused on theoretical issues about territorial development of me­dia in Russia. It tries to build-up a methodology for studying regional disparities in development of media communications and main information society indicators (mainly ICTs). Authors are grounding on theory of political regionalism and social geography and are using approaches in field of media capital on regional markets. They are proposing hypothesis about correlation between electoral results of political parties on regional elections, geographical parameters (territory, climate, number of cities), socio-economic issues and media landscapes in regions.
    Keywords: geography, regional media, power, media market, disparities
    Ilya V. Kiriya, Dovbysh O.S. 4
  • «Mobile Sites as a New Element of Media Business Modeling»

    Appearance of mobile internet pushed the further development of media industry. Considering the importance of capital expenditure into the new technologies, media companies gathered new opportunities to earn money from mobile advertising and to sell content. In the paper, we analysed the reasons for this development and calculated possible payback periods of the investment.
    Keywords: media business, mobile technologies, adaptation of sites, media business modeling
    Andrei V. Vyrkovsky, Alexey V. Grabarnik 15
  • New Media

    «Music in the Cloud in Russia: the Problematics of Value»

    The article presents early insights from an ongoing study of music cultures among young audiences in Moscow and Stockholm. The cross-cultural study focuses on the impact of the Internet on music use and meanings of music in everyday life. The study reveals that the music-related activities in Russia are majorly concentrated on the social networking website VKontakte. Practices related to this and other plat­forms form complex folksonomies of online and offline listening and communication, intertwined with experiences of live music.
    Keywords: music, social media, media consumption, materiality, media economy
    Grigory D. Goldenzwaig 26
  • Advertising and Public Relations

    «Viral Communication as an Instrument of Influencing Consumer Behavior. Experiment»

    The article presents the results of an empirical study of the main factors and conditions that contribute to improving the efficiency of viral communication. Viral communication is a type of communication, when the propagation of emotionally charged messages through the channels of interpersonal internet communication is exponential. Understanding the mechanisms of psychoemotional contagion, under­lying the processes of natural spread of messages in the global web, and its impact on consumer behavior can significantly improve the efficiency of viral campaigns in the Internet.
    Keywords: viral advertising, viral communication, internet communication, psychoemotional contagion, consumer behavior
    Maria V. Starovoyt 39
  • «Public Relations: New Structural-Functional Type of Models in the Internet»

    The article defines the results of the study of patterns of communication models on the Internet (identified their characteristics, classification). The author allows to define described multi subject and subject-to-subject model of Internet communica­tion as a new type of models, and includes them into the historic structural and func­tional range of PR-models. Increasing use of the Internet models determines the potential system-functional transformation of PR from the control system to the metasystem of equal collaboration of all social actors.
    Keywords: model of communication, the Internet, multi subject model, subject- to-subject model, collaboration, Public Relations, system-junctional transformation
    Marina G. Shilina 51
  • Media Language

    «Innovations in the Modern TV Orthoepy»

    In article the attempt is made to understand the features of the device of orthoepic component of a television speech of the latest time. In search of answer, the author refers to the linguistic literature and journalistic texts and analyzes what distinguishes orthoepy of television media in post-sovietic epoch and what is the reason for the observed changes.
    Keywords: television speech, orthoepy, codificated norm, noncodificated (com-pressed/spoken) forms
    Irina A. Veshchikova 63
  • Media Law

    «Definition of the Journalistic Professional Ethics Norm»

    The article presents first full definition of professional ethical norm, based on distinctional, functional and structural analysis. Applied methods show that the norm is not only an element but the fundamental unit of journalist professional ethics.
    Keywords: norm, professional ethics, normative theory, values
    Ekaterina A. Smirnova 79
  • History of Journalism

    «Typology of the Medical Publications of Tomsk in the late XIX — early XX»

    In article first discusses the pre-revolutionary newspapers and medical journals Tomsk in terms of their typological affiliation. Analyzes the characteristics of media, set the scope of their authors traced the logic extension of the typological spectrum of the press for the fullest development of medical topics, not only as a narrow profes­sional, but also non-fiction. Using archival data revealed unrealized projects of medical publications and editions of some newspapers and medical journals Tomsk. 
    Keywords: medical publications, typology, Siberian journalism
    Nataliya V. Zhilyakova 90
  • ««Novaya Zhizn» Newspaper (1917—1918) and Censorship in Russia after the February and October Revolutions»

    Exploring the history of the newspaper «Novaya zhizn» (1917—1918), the au­thor focuses on three of its temporary suspensions and final closure in July 1918. The relationship of «Novaya zhizn» with the authorities are shown through the prism of the regulations on printing, which were adopted by the Provisional government after the February revolution and the Council of people’s Commissars after the Octo­ber revolution.
    Keywords: «Novaya zhizn», February revolution, Provisional government, October revolution, Council of people’s Commissars
    Sergey G. Korostelev 103
  • «Sports Press in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialistic Republic in 1920—1930s: Typology, Periodization, Development Issues, History and Functionality»

    This article identifies the main causes of the development of sports in the period of 20—30s and the place of the sports media of this era in the history of Ukrainian journalism, the basic vectors of sport as a social and cultural phenomenon of the 20—30s, analyzes the structure of Ukrainian sports segment thematically and offi­cial Facilities, identifies stages of the period, and their constitutional dominant, analyzes the most representative publication of each period on such parameters as frequency, circulation, publication format, avtura, structure, genre paradigm, thematic range of the characteristic features, implemented an overview of each period according to the principle of historicism and discursive analysis of the era, considered the repression against the totalitarian regime of athletes and sports journalists, especially sports press defined the era of the 1920s and 30s.
    Keywords: sports edition of the USSR, the «golden period», sport, highly specialized media, production and physical training press, press Ready for Labor and Defense
    Sazonova Y.A. 119
  • Criticism and Bibliography

    «The content and context of hate speech: rethinking regulation and responses (review)»

    The content and context of hate speech: re­thinking regulation and responses / Edited by Michael Herz, Peter Molnar. Cambridge University Press, 2012. — 544 p.
    Keywords: hate speech, content, context, review
    Daria S. Novatorova 135