Charity Funds’ Coverage in Russian Media

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Elena V. Temicheva

PhD-seeking student at the Chair of Periodical Press, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


Section: Discussion

The article discusses the practice of reflection of charity foundations in the Rus­sian media. This article is based on data from the study «Lighting of institutional philanthropy in the Russian mass media», conducted by the Moscow State Universi­ty, Faculty of journalism Research group in May—September 2011 (commissioned by Russian Donors Forum). The urgency of research due to the rapid development of the practice of charity in Russia and the leading role in this process of professional participants of charitable activities — non-profit organizations. Media-image com­ponents of the charity foundations identified by the study — subjects of publications, their language, genres, key messages, the estimated context — allow to draw conclu­sions: the problems of institutional philanthropy continues to assert itself in the Rus­sian media space, increasing in quantity, but so far remained at the initial level of accumulation of information.

Keywords: charity, philanthropy, charity foundation, institutional philanthropy, coverage of philanthropy in the media, aid funds, content analysis of media