On the Need to Update the Concepts of Journalism and Media
Download paperDoctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Dean of the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: eva@smi.msu.ruSection: Theory of Journalism and Media
Today mass media concepts should become a subject of multi aspect modernization. The philological component of media text should be taken into account bearing in mind their considerably inhomogeneous character within the frames of mass media system. We should rethink the journalism and mass media functions in the modern society from a perspective of democratic participation and public sphere, and also reconsider functions of mass media as a business that is getting closer to other creative industries starting to compete for the consumers' free time, and also consequences of the digital revolution. The systems of journalism and mass media have changed substantially under the influence of digital revolution. In this context the author underlines the importance of the theoretical conceptions' of journalism and mass media modernization.