Heine’s “Harz Journey”: an aesthetic manifest under the cover of a travelogue

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Boris A. Maximov

PhD in Philology, Senior Researcher at the Chair of Foreign Journalism and Literature, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

e-mail: esprit25@rambler.ru

Section: Foreign Journalism

Different to the researches focusing the social background of Heine’s “Travel Pictures” or his political views, here his first and most famous travelogue, the “Harz, Journey”, is considered primarily as an aesthetic manifest aiming to turn away from the abstract, metaphysical and quasi-objective thinking of the 18. century. In his in­novative aesthetic program Heine offers alternative, romantic strategies, such as modeling procedures, dinamicizing of solid substance, hyperbolization, extended metaphor, fluctuations between maxim and image.

Keywords: Heine, Harz, Journey, dialectic, modelling, paradox