Compliance with Ethical Norms

The Editorial Board of the scientific periodical “Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 10. Zhurnalistika” adheres to the ethical norms and standards accepted by the international scientific community as exemplars of the best practice. In particular, the editorial board follows the principles established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

The editorial board also complies with all legal requirements regarding copyright, enshrined in legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

The editorial board declares the absence of influence on its decisions by the founder of the journal “Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 10. Zhurnalistika” – Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Along with this, the Editorial Board does its best to support the basic principles of treating scientific information:

— evaluates all the submitted materials in an unbiased, objective and balanced way;

— working with the materials, follows the criteria of originality, scientific merit and timeliness of the texts and the authenticity of the presented data;

— evaluates the content of the manuscript irrespective of the author’s race, gender, religious views, origin, citizenship, social status and political preferences;

— keeps confidential, does not use for personal advantage and does not release to third parties, without the author’s written consent, any unpublished data, information or ideas derived from the submitted manuscripts;

— eliminates the conflict of interest regarding all participants in the process of publishing the material: authors, reviewers, editorial representatives, other members of the editorial board (if reviewers, editorial representatives, other editorial board members have any relationship with the author that may influence the decision to publish the manuscript, they declare editorial board of conflict of interest and are excluded from the process of working on an article);

— does not accept from the authors either explicit or implicit rewards;

— fights plagiarism using all means available;

— takes adequate measures in the case of ethical claims regarding the manuscripts reviewed or materials published, investigating all such cases openly and in a good faith.

The Editorial Board of the journal “Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 10. Zhurnalistika” conducts a check of any submitted material for plagiarism and self-plagiarism of any incoming material using the Anti-plagiarism system and refuses to publish the text in case there is a large volume of unauthorized borrowings.

The Editorial Board monitors the copyright in regard to the articles published in the journal, strictly following the provisions of the concluded License agreement

The Editorial Board of the scientific periodical “Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 10. Zhurnalistika” claims that as it performs its duties there is an absence of abuse and conflict of interests.

The Author (or a Group of Authors) is guided by the following principles when preparing and submitting the manuscript for publication:

— The author takes initial responsibility for the novelty and validity of the research results. Admittedly erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable.

— The author is personally involved in the study, on the basis of which the article is being prepared, as well as in the preparation of the text of the article; and the author agrees to validate the authenticity of his participation by the means generally accepted in scientific practice.

— The author guarantees the authenticity of the research results reported in the submitted manuscript.

— The borrowed fragments and statements must be attributed to the author and the original source. No form of plagiarism (which includes self-plagiarism), whether quotations without quotation marks, paraphrase or appropriation of the results of others’ research, is acceptable.

— Only those who made a significant contribution to the conception of the work, its development, performance or the interpretation of the presented research may be named in the paper as co-authors; it is unpardonable to include those who did not participate in the research. All the authors approve the final version of the work and agree to its publication, they are all equally responsible for its content.

— The manuscript includes acknowledgements to everyone who took part in the research or influenced it in some way. The authors provide references to the papers that had a role to play in the development and execution of the work. The privately acquired data are not used without written permission from the author of the original source.

— The simultaneous submission of the same manuscript to several journals or the submission of an already published paper is a violation of ethical norms, which gives grounds for excluding the material from consideration.

— The detection of the author’s error or inaccuracy made in the paper, at the consideration stage or after its publication, is immediately brought to the notice of the Editorial Board for its elimination or correction.

— The author indicates the place of his/her work and the source of funding involved in the preparation of the article (if any).

While submitting the paper, the author has to confirm that it had not been published before or accepted for publication in another scientific journal. The Editorial Board requests those providing a link to a paper published in the journal Moscow University Journalism Bulletin to post the link (the full URL of the material) on the official website of the journal. The papers previously posted by the authors on personal and public websites unrelated to other publishers can be admitted for consideration.


The Referee performing expert evaluation of the materials submitted by the authors is guided by the following principles:

— The manuscript submitted for refereeing is viewed as a confidential document, which is not to be passed on, for familiarization or discussion, to third parties unauthorized by the Editorial Board.

— The evaluation of the material is unbiased. The referee’s report is an objective and well-argued evaluation of the presented research results; it contains reasonable critical comments with regard to the level and lucidity of material presentation, the conformity of the material to the journal’s specialization, the novelty and validity of the research results. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable. The referees’ recommendations underlie the final decision of the Editorial Board on the publication of the paper.

— The unpublished data derived from the presented manuscripts are not used by the referee for personal purposes.

— The referee who, in his/her opinion, does not have sufficient qualification to evaluate the manuscript or cannot be objective (a conflict of interests with the author) is excluded, at his/her request, from the process of refereeing the manuscript in question.