The Role of the Media in the Preservation and Transmission of Folklore Values
Download paperAssociate Professor of the Department of Philology, Chelyabinsk State University (Miass branch), Miass, Russia; ORCID 0000-0003-3257-2655
e-mail: tatjana-saveljeva2010@yandex.ruSection: Media Text in a New Technological Environment: Digital Transformation of Communication
The article analyzes the representation of traditional Russian festive culture in the media and analyzes the role of the media in the preservation and populariza- tion of folklore values, in the formation of a national picture of the world.150 journalistic materials for 2022-2023 were analyzed in the publications “Kommersant”, “Business Quarter”, “South Ural Panorama”, “Moskovsky Komsomolets”, “Culture”, LENTA news portals.RU and Rambler. As non-institutional sources, the pages in the VKontakte social network of the communities “Folk according to GOST”, “Slavs.Paganism.Rus”, an information resource CALEND.RU, author’s channels on Yandex Zen. The interdisciplinary approach allows us to consider the reflection of the objective phenomenon of the preserved and revitalized festive tradition on the example of the media image of Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala Day, etc. The value-semantic dominants and characteristic features of the media images of the holidays are determined: entertainment and resistance to the mediatization of Maslenitsa, sacred-mystical semantic content of Kupala. The media record the compilation of folklore and mass culture, the appearance of new elements of the festive and ritual complex. In the absence of a preserved tradition, the media form a media image of the holiday, which is fixed in the mass consciousness.
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To cite this article: Saveleva T. V. (2024) Rol’ SMI v sokhranenii i peredache fol’klornykh tsennostey [The role of the media in the preservation and transmission of folklore values]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 10. Zhurnalistika 3: 166– 185. DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.3.2024.166185