Provincial Magazine “Psovaya I Ruzhejnaya Ohota” (1894–1907): an Experience of Developing a Model of a Democratic Periodical
Download paperPhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor at the Chair of Russian and Foreign Literature, Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Omsk, Russia; ORCID 0000-0001-7203-6713
e-mail: a.v.liapina@mail.ruSection: History of Journalism
The article touches upon the history of one of the most popular magazines of nature and hunting – the provincial magazine "Psovaya i Ruzhejnaya Ohota" (1894–1907) in the context of other publishing projects of the famous dog breeder, hunter and writer Sergei Ozerov (1859–1903). The article reveals his role in solving national problems of preserving hound hunting, breeding Russian hunting dogs, determining the status of hunting in Russia and developing a hunting culture among the illiterate population of the empire. Archival materials and letters from S. Ozerov to S. Buturlin which are related to the publication and functioning of the magazine were studied. The program, genre and thematic content of the publication and ways of interacting with readers were studied on the basis of the historical and typological method. The novelty of the research is determined both by the empirical material itself — archival files that were not previously introduced into scientific circulation, and by the subject — the history of the emergence and functioning of the magazine “Psovaya i Ruzhejnaya Ohota” and other projects by S. Ozerov. It is concluded that in conditions of socio-political unrest and fierce competition for readers, during the crisis of the hunting press, Ozerov’s magazine maintained the status of a fairly authoritative and influential publication due to its democratic orientation, high quality of published material, energy and enthusiasm of the publisher and effective methods of marketing activities. The history of "Psovaya i Ruzhejnaya Ohota" makes it possible to present more fully the problems of the hound hunting and hunting industry in general as well as the situation on the market of specialized publications in a competitive environment.
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.2.2024.113138References:
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To cite this article: Lyapina A. V. (2024) Provintsial'nyy zhurnal «Psovaya i ruzheynaya okhota» (1894–1907): opyt razrabotki modeli «narodnogo» izdaniya [Provincial Magazine “Psovaya i Ruzhejnaya Ohota” (1894–1907): An Experience of Developing a Model of a Democratic Periodical]. Vestn. Mosk. un-ta. Ser. 10: Zhurnalistika 2: 113–138. DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.2.2024.113138