History of the Muzyka Weekly in 1910–1916: Documents and Personalities

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Yuliya M. Belous

member of the Union of Journalists of Russia and International Federation of Journalists, Valaam Island, the Republic of Karelia, Russia

e-mail: juli_bell@inbox.ru

Section: History of Journalism

Program and finance play a considerable role in the publishing process. For specialized publications, however, interpersonal communication sometimes becomes a priority in their editorial policy. Based on the work with the funds of the Russian State Historical Archive (St. Petersburg), the Manuscript Department of the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg), the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (Moscow), and the funds of the Russian National Museum of Music (Moscow), this article reconstructs the history of the Moscow Muzyka weekly (1910–1916). For the first time, a detailed biography of its editor and publisher V. V. Derzhanovsky up to 1916 is presented, as well as his previously unpublished letters to N. F. Findeisen and B. V. Asafyev.

Keywords: Muzyka weekly, 2nd Branch of the Office of the Main Press Directorate, ego-documents, V. V. Derzhanovsky, N. F. Findeisen, Igor Glebov (B. V. Asafyev), N. Ya. Myaskovsky
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.3.2023.7491


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To cite this article: Belous Yu.M. (2023) Istoriya ezhenedel'nika «Muzyka» 1910–1916 gg.: dokumenty i lichnosti [History of the Muzyka Weekly in 1910–1916: Documents and Personalities]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 10. Zhurnalistika 3: 74–91. DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.3.2023.7491