The Format of the Soviet Children's Magazine Kostyor in the Context of Actualization of Axiological Attitudes
Download paperPhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the English Chair, Penza State University, Penza, Russia
e-mail: ya.natashavidineeva@yandex.ruSection: History of Journalism
The author concerns the format characteristics of a Soviet children's magazine, conditioned by the value content of the materials presented in the magazine. The relevance of the study is accounted for by the insufficiency of research into the format of children's periodicals in the USSR, as well as the correlation between the format, value attitudes, and social reality. The purpose of the study was to establish and analyze these correlations. The research was carried out within the discourse analysis framework. As empirical material, 10 issues of the Kostyor magazine of the late Soviet period were used. In the course of the study, the author analyzed both the covers and the content of the issues and classified the content of the publications according to their genres. Next, the author distinguished values conveyed by the content and, finally, established correlations between the values of the content and the position of the publication within the issue. As a result, it was found that the materials published on the front pages and in the first half of the issue carry a significant axiological load. They actualize such socially important values as patriotism, historical memory, fellowship, mutual assistance, and the ideals of the Revolution. This determines the awareness-raising function of the magazine. The direction of education itself is conditioned by the ideological orientation of state policy. Materials that perform an entertainment function are usually placed at the end of the issue. This corresponds to the functionality of the magazine, which focuses on ideological education rather than entertainment.
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To cite this article: Vidineeva N.Yu. (2023) Format sovetskogo detskogo zhurnala «Koster» v kontekste aktualizatsii aksiologicheskikh ustanovok [The Format of the Soviet Children's Magazine Kostyor in the Context of Actualization of Axiological Attitudes]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 10. Zhurnalistika 3: 117–133. DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.3.2023.117133