A Live Broadcast: a Quasi-Genre Form in Radio Journalists’ Spontaneous Typology of Genres

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Gennady V. Syrkov

PhD degree-seeking student, Senior Lecturer at the Chair of Television and Radio Broadcasting, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

e-mail: genosse67@gmail.com
Ludmila A. Kruglova

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Television and Radio Broadcasting, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

e-mail: abiljo@mail.ru

Section: Television and Radio

Despite the huge competition not only from other media, but the whole digital media landscape radio remains a popular mass medium in Russia. The question of the system of auditory and audiovisual genres and formats has been hotly debated for many years not only among researchers, but also among practitioners. A genre is a “memory of culture”, a historically determined type of reflection of reality, which has a number of relatively stable features, while a format is a set of permanent features, well-developed methods for collecting and processing information and interpreting it. The problem of typology of a live broadcast can have several solutions. Firstly, this type of message can be considered as a genre that has not yet been described and included in the scientific system of genres. Their emergence at a certain historical stage should be viewed as development of the genre system, its expansion and complication. Secondly, it can be assumed that a live broadcast is just another name for some existing genre. In this case, we are dealing not with the process of genre formation, but with naming. In this article, the authors try to genre-identify the live broadcasts on modern Russian radio stations. The results of the analysis of six materials that were similar in their typological features to live broadcasts and were released on three news/talk radio stations, Kommersant FM, Vesti FM and Radio Rossii, are presented. With the help of 10 employees of other state and commercial radio stations from different cities of Russia, the authors found out how the industry workers themselves identify live broadcasts. The results obtained in the course of the study confirm the initial hypothesis that this is not a genre as it is but a stable association of different genres, an extensive genre conglomerate.

Keywords: broadcasting, information broadcasting, genres, forms, reportage, live broadcast
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.2.2023.2346


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To cite this article: Syrkov G.V., Kruglova L.A. (2023) «Pryamoe vklyuchenie»: kvazizhanrovaya forma v stikhiinoi tipologii zhanrov radiozhurnalistov [A Live Broadcast: a Quasi-Genre Form in Radio Journalists’ Spontaneous Typology of Genres]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 10. Zhurnalistika 2: 23–46. DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.2.2023.2346