Development Features of the Ethnic Press System in Crimea During the 1920s
Download paperDoctor of Philology, Professor at the Chair of Journalism and Media Communications, Institute of Media Communications, Media Technologies and Design, Vladimir Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Russia
e-mail: yablon@rambler.ruSection: History of Journalism
The article deals with the development features of the ethnic media system in Crimea in the 1920s, immediately after the establishment of the Bolshevik regime (1920–1921) and in the conditions of the national policy of korenization in the Crimean ASSR (1921–1930). The research reveals the state and specifics of ethnic media in Crimea at the initial stage during the formation of the party-Soviet press system. It also identifies the main trends in the formation of the Crimean ethnic journalism system in the period of korenization. The research methods are determined by their purpose and objectives. The article uses a systematic approach, as well as methods of historical-typological and problem-chronological analysis and the like. The trends in the development of ethnic journalism in Crimea in the 1920s are revealed in historical sequence, in close connection with the general direction of the party-Soviet press system formation, as well as taking into account the regional specifics of national policy implementation. The author identifies two stages in the development of the ethnic press system in Crimea in the 1920s. At the first stage (November 1920–1922), a certain attempt was made to organize a system of Bolshevik ethnic publications on the Crimean peninsula, designed to establish a dialogue between the party-Soviet bodies and the most influential ethnic groups: Crimean Tatars, Germans and Armenians. At the same time, newspapers and magazines launched in 1920–1922 performed a propaganda function and largely broke with the ideological traditions of Crimean ethnic journalism of the pre-Soviet period. From 1923 to 1930, after the official announcement of korenization policy, the system of the Crimean ethnic press ceased to correspond to the ethnic composition of multinational Crimea, since it was represented mainly by Crimean Tatar publications. Crimean Tatar journalism, which experienced a flourishing period from 1923 to 1927, was subjected to harassment in 1928 in connection with the attack on the Crimean Tatar Communists and lost a significant part of its national identity. The reasons for the noted shortcomings in the formation of the ethnic media system in Crimea in the 1920s lay in the regulation of ethnic and cultural processes using administrative and command methods, without taking into account the opinions, traditions and values of national communities.
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To cite this article: Yablonovskaya N.V. (2023) Formirovanie sistemy etnicheskoy pressy v Krymu v 1920-e gg. [Development Features of the Ethnic Press System in Crimea During the 1920s]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 10. Zhurnalistika 1: 188–207. DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.1.2023.164187