Interpretation of the Concepts of Faith and Forgiveness in Religious Television Programs (a Case Study of Installments oft he “Parsuna” Program)

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Vladimir R. Legoyda

PhD in Political Science, Professor of Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Chairman of the Synodal Department for Church’s Relations with Society and Mass Mediа of the Moscow Patriarchate, Editor-in-Chief of the Foma magazine, Moscow, Russia

Alla M. Shesterina

Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Chair of Electronic Media and Speech Communication, Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia

Lidia Ye. Malygina

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Ekaterina S. Pavlova

Head of Internal Communications Block, JSC Rusagrotrans, Moscow, Russia


Section: Television and Radio

This work is devoted to considering the semantic foundations of the concepts of faith and forgiveness among the guests of the “Parsuna” program on the Spas TV channel. In the course of the research, it was possible to identify both common to all approaches to the interpretation of these concepts and individual characteristics. For the majority of participants in the program, the saving value of faith proves to be the most important. Also, in the interpretation of the concept of faith, the guests are united by the idea that faith is light, warmth, blessing and work. They also agree in understanding the significance of the depth of comprehension of faith, in recognizing the imperfection and weakness of a man in his attempts to independently establish himself in its interpretation. In the interpretation of the concept of forgiveness, the views of the participants are more individualized. They also differ in ideas about what is more difficult – to forgive oneself or another person, to forgive or to ask for forgiveness. However, there is something that unites them in the interpretation of forgiveness. It is the understanding that life is difficult without forgiveness. The analysis of the program showed that the concepts of faith and forgiveness permeate the whole life of the protagonists of the program, are intrinsic to them, help to form a stereoscopic idea of а person’s personality and the values that they convey to the viewer, which is especially relevant when the quality of information has a powerful effect on human psyche and sometimes can be a real threat.

Keywords: concept of faith, concept of forgiveness, religion, TV, mass media
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.5.2022.82101


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To cite this article: Legoyda V.R., Shesterina A.M., Malygina L.E., Pavlova E.S. (2022) Interpretatsiya kontseptov very i proshcheniya v teleperedache religioznoĭ napravlennosti «Parsuna» [Interpretation of the Concepts of Faith and Forgiveness in Religious Television Programs (a Case Study of Installments oft he “Parsuna” Program)]. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 10. Zhurnalistika 5: 82–102. DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.5.2022.82101