The Sentimentalist Publication Model of the 1790s in Russia

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Alexandra R. Akchurina

PhD in Philology, Senior Lecturer at the Chair of Media Linguistics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


Section: History of Journalism

Sentimentalism, which reached Russia at the end of the 18th century, determined the development of the literary process in the country and set the vector for the movement of Russian journalism. In search of a platform for expressing their views and creative fulfillment, sentimentalist writers and other aspiring authors began to actively publish magazines of sentimentalist orientation. Over the last decade of the 18th century, seven large magazines were published in Russia, which could be fully considered sentimentalist: Moskovskiy Zhurnal (1791–1792), Chtenie dlya Vkusa, Razuma i Chuvstvovaniy (1791–1793), Delo ot Bezdelya (1792), Ezhenedelnik (1792), Priyatnoe i Poleznoe Preprovozhdenie Vremeni (1794–1798), Muza (1796), Ippokrena, ili Utekhi Lyubosloviya (1799–1801). Moskovskiy Zhurnal published by N.M. Karamzin became a major example to follow for publishers in the 1790s; however, an analysis of the structure and content of other publications of the time showed that other editors also skillfully experimented with magazine formats. One way or another, one can claim the existence of the sentimentalist publication model, which laid the foundations for the development of journalism and, in particular, literary magazines in the 19th century.

Keywords: sentimentalism, literary magazine, 18th century, N. M. Karamzin, Moskovskiy Zhurnal, V. S. Podshivalov, magazine model
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.2.2022.6893


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