The Experience of Applying the Grounded Theory Strategy to the Study of Social Media Use by Deaf and Hard of Hearing People

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Yuliya F. Shamsutdinova

Graduate PhD student of the Chair of New Media and Communication Theory, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


Section: New Media

The application of the grounded theory research strategy to describing the use of social media by deaf and hard of hearing people is a subject of study in this article. The author describes the experience of applying grounded theory to create a conceptual model that reveals the characteristics of communication with the participation of deaf and hard of hearing people and their use of social media, and makes a number of judgments that are formulated on the basis of methodological reflection upon completion of the study. On the basis of the proposed concept, some hypothesis were formulated, and they might be tested empirically within the framework of the representative quantitative studies. The author focuses attention on the conditions and factors that could have influenced the research process, describes and summarizes the experience connected with the application of the grounded theory research strategy.

Keywords: grounded theory, research strategy, social media, communication, the deaf, the hard of hearing
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.1.2022.7795


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