Functional and Pragmatic Characteristics of Syntactic Devices in the Genres of American and Belarusian Media Space
Download paperPhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Minsk State Linguistic University, Minsk, Belarus
e-mail: pavel.glazko@hotmail.comSection: Media Language
It could hardly be denied that these days modern media are gaining currency as a source of information, entertainment, and knowledge about the world. For a number of reasons, media language has become high profile one: the integration of information and communication technologies (also known as technological convergence), the increase in information sharing, a more important role of dialogization as a basic feature of modern media, a substantial change in the genre system alongside a greater level of subjectivity. Today, one does not seek tenable explanations or upending of assumptions, but rather covets an opportunity for self-expression. The aim of the given paper is to elucidate the culture-specific features of rendering expressiveness in the column and blog genres of the American and Belarusian media space, thus bringing together and contrasting syntactic language means of expressiveness used in the genres under analysis in the English (that of the USA) and Russian (that of Belarus) languages. The results of linguostylistic analysis allow the author to conclude that the most frequently used stylistic devices in columns of the US media space are parallelism, enumeration, and repetition, whereas blogs are characterized by enumeration, insertions, questions-in-the-narrative, and imperative sentences. The former group of devices performs the function of accentuation, and the latter group – that of establishing a dialogue with readers. In the Belarusian media space, syntactic expressiveness in the genres under analysis is virtually manifested by the devices of parallelism, enumeration and detachment with the function of accentuation.
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.1.2022.136156References:
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